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Has no one seen this movie? This movie features the greatest,
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Has no one seen this movie? This movie features the greatest, most informed portrayal of its title character. It's well-shot and acted to boot. Honestly, it's probably the greatest superhero movie made yet. Regardless of how you feel about BVS, it's a must-watch. Discussion thread.
Best superman movie and at least in the top 2 cape movies
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Does the Christ figure allegory a lot better than Zack 'Subtlety' Snyder could ever dream of.

What's this supposed to be, Mary Magdalene reference?
Why doesn't he use the mind wipe kiss more often

My favorite super hero movie, period
Perfect Clark
Reeve did your homework

I really liked Reeves
he was so charismatic
I don't get why put Superman and Batman on the same universe, it doesn't make any sense

I've always loved this moment. The way he straightens up, goes through a range of emotions, and alters his voice. It's just perfect.
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The Special Edition and the Donner Cut of 2 are my all time favourite superhero movies easily. Not just out of DC and Marvel but all superhero movies. Only wish they'd put out one more cut that does away with using the turn back time trick twice.

Holy fuck, that hunch disappearing is the scariest and most amazing thing ever.

Love it.
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