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I have become addicted to watching these savage Northmen get
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I have become addicted to watching these savage Northmen get BTFO.

I want to see them keep losing.

vikings were the niggers of their time, even Hitler agreed.
how cleanly trimmed his chest hair is.

very metrosexual lumberjack northmen

i bet his leathers are dolce&gabbana
Now that you mention it, I can almost see two crosses in that hair.

Christian as fuck.
>"Don't talk to me or my ex-wife's sons ever again, Rollo. Now excuse me while i continue my newly found habit of excessive substance abuse thaught to me by that random chink whore."

What did Ragnar mean by this?
Vikings are the most over-romanced group in history

They were cheeky cowards that explicitly tried to avoid fighting and attack people they knew couldn't fight back
This. In those days of confusion, no unity, having to travel on foot, no phones, information.. it would be so EASY to be a viking, just travel... find people... wait until night and sneak in and murder people and steal their shit and rape the women. Its the most cowardly pathetic shit I've ever seen. Luckily now with technology we can watch enemies coming from mils off and kill them with a button. I would hate to be alive back then not having maps, information or knowledge and never being introduced to violence but the one day vikings just appear and use their unity to defeat everyone in the village who isnt prepared or united.
Jezus, that looks like some larpfest right there. Why is everything brandnew?
>All their pelt and leather clothing are fresh from the washing machine and steam pressed

GG easy
This post was typed by a faggot.
Rollo & Ragnar(actors) look so fucking feminine IRL, I just cant get fucking image out of my mind.
He can be king of maybe 3 anorexic models, but that is about that...
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>even Hitler agreed.
opinion discarded then

he called arabs, niggers and chinks aryan and white but genocided polacks which are one of the whitetest in yurop.

also pic related

>Ragnar dies
>they decide to change the name of the show to better represent its new focal character
hes just trying to be nietzsche here desu
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