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Did Michael have autism?
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Thread replies: 26
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Did Michael have autism?
No, he was CIA
Nah but Toby did
He's actually a sociopath. It just comes off as funny because you're not one of his victims.
>tfw you're literally figuratively Michael
Do you think someone's already got Michael Scott?
Roll for office name
Toby was just an ultra-beta.
File: Critic Phone.jpg (160 KB, 640x480) Image search: [Google]
Critic Phone.jpg
160 KB, 640x480
Dwight Schrute was the autist in that bunch.
Dwight was autistic surely but Michael HAS to have something wrong with him.
i dont know how michael and kevin arent considerd retarded

ive met smarter kids in special ed
I think he has Narcissism and autism commorbity.
Michael at the least had Asperger's Syndrome.
Poor social skills but great salesman. He's an enigma.
Peter Principle.
is it sad i know the exact episode and quote that michael is saying in OP's pic
>peed pants at a wedding when he was a child
>screamed "I HATE YOU!"
>did the same thing as an adult

He has autism.
I thought it was Dwight that was supposed to be autistic?
Mike Scorn was FBI, numbnuts.
It's Michael Scarn ya goof.
If anyone was autistic it was Stanley. He hated interacting with people and freaked out when Michael tried to make him.
Kevin was the real autist
Not really, since the episode name is in the image name
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