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Female characters
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Thread replies: 23
Thread images: 20
ITT: Post your favourite female characters. Women in film with great performances, that you've fallen in love with, that you found cool, that made you laugh, etc etc.
Also, feel free to discuss and rate each others picks.
This is NOT a waifu or an actress thread, so restrain yourselves from posting unrelated shit.
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Forgot about her
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>dem titties
>dem hips
>Aryan goddess
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>posting the inferior borderline mary sue model
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She's great in everything I've seen her in with the exception of Batman.
Fuck off traitor cunt.
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>mfw a retard prefers the superhero near me
Her character in that movie was great. Owen Wilson wasn't half bad either, I was impressed.
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Ellen Ripley. Didn't think much of her at first, but when she got frustrated, scared, and angry to the point of tears when hearing about the truth behind their mission, and that was when I realized how badass she actually is. Despite all that she still pushed her way into the escape shuttle.
If I was in her position would've had just cried in a fetal position until the ayyyylien got me.
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the greatest maternal presence conceived
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Until you consider her modern appearance, m8.
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find a better performance than Adjani in pic related /tv/.
you cant.
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>Camille Claudel
Although she does come off as a try hard case throughout the film, there are some great sculptures depicted in it.

I think it's a great movie as well, although it's Region2 so I could only watch it on the PC.
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I think Leia from SW is one of the better female characters in a way.

The senior Governor states that she's "far too trusting" and we see very little evidence of that in the first film, but it's deeply etched into her character in ESB and ROTJ. We later see that she's too trusting of people like Han. It's a borderline character, played by a bipolar actress, and for that reason, it's just a fine marriage of art and life.
Definitely. She's always the first that comes to mind when it comes heroines
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>ITT: Post your favourite female characters.

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By far the best female performance of the year the film was released. Not some strong independent woman but a truly excellent performance and a great character.
>Mia, Jof's wife

Good choice, anon.
Thread replies: 23
Thread images: 20

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