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Vinyl 1.06
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No thread with 3 minutes to air?

Come on guys! I know last week's episode was weak but have a little faith! A guy doing a David Bowie impression is on tonight!
I'm giving it one more chance. If this episode is shit, I'm dropping it.
This tbqh
>They could robbing their pussy's together

getting high has it's joys I guess
>perhaps a nigger
Low blow
I stopped at episode 2.
Got a letter from my ISP from HBO

Those cunts made my comp lag like hell. But I'll give them another chance now.
Were those his kids with Wilde's character?
that wasn't Wilde that was his maid.

but yes.
Yeah, but I had the impression he had kids with the maid because those kids looked hispanic than italian.
is there nudity tonight? only reason I'm watching this boring show
Wilde has been naked for the past 2 minutes. she has a HUGE BUSH
German dude is a hallucination of course
>The logo looks like a toilet

Tit sucking on national television, nothing is sacred?
imagine directing this scene

>All right, you're gonna pull her blouse down and suck her nipple
>yes, yes
>go on

I think directors have no problem with this
Dem fake chops
should've mentioned Man Who Sold the World t b h
Raw power
why the fuck would anyone wanna hurt Andy? he was a gay Christian!
cocaine is a hell of a drug
so both the Germans are hallucinations, yes?
>he just said ROB ME
That was great
Still like this more then madman or being bad
This is a pretty solid episode. Zack standing up to Richie was a god-tier scene.
Is that supposed to be Dave Bowie
no David Bowie was already in the episode remember?

its probably why richie decided to get off coke
Bottle up her cunt
>I need a hot dog!
Famous last words, shit
good episode. the end was fairly haunting.
Nudity is fine, but nipple sucking scenes feel a bit porny. The girl was cute though
>no pics

you guys only had one job
best ep of the series

>maybe zey rubbing zere pussies together
File: tumblr_o4dcthdeZd1rlb6iho1_400.gif (2 MB, 375x210) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 375x210
Best girl
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2 MB, 375x210
Thread replies: 42
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