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Why would Batman and Superman even be fighting in the first place?
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Why would Batman and Superman even be fighting in the first place? Aren't they friends or at least on the same team? I don't get it.
Frank Miller and his obsession with fascism.
Franck Mussolini and his obsession with fascism.
Zack Snyder and his obsession with fascism.
Same fag
File: 1457160499255.jpg (201 KB, 470x595) Image search: [Google]
201 KB, 470x595
I could prove you wrong but I won't.
Same fag

Same fag obsessed with fascism.
Why not just watch the movie to find out like everyone else wondering that will do?
OP here. This is my second post in this thread. I'm not into superhero movies, I just saw the commercial and it seemed like a really weak concept. Stupid even.
>i'm not into superhero movies, I just start threads about them on /tv/

Your not fooling anyone.
the bad guy tricked them and yes an oscar winner writer came up with that plot
How batman has any chance against super man? Can't superman just send him to orbit within 0.001 seconds?
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