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I don't understand this shitty article title or post. He
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I don't understand this shitty article title or post.

He isn't wearing glasses in his photo. How does it prove his glasses work as disguising him? When he's not fucking wearing them and no one recognises Cavill..

I'm confused am I autistic.
No one recognises Cavill because he's not a big time actor.
or that he isnt famous enough for people in the US to recognize him
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No one recognized him because hes not very famous and also looks like a generic handsome dudebro.
Who is Henry Cavill? Is he a youtuber or something?
no but I mean the articles title and post.. it makes no sense.

They say surely Kents glasses are enough to disguise Superman, but here is Cavill not wearing glasses and a Superman shirt and no one recognises him... WHAT
I saw him but dropped all my spaghetti.
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when Taylor Swift walks down the streets of NYC, she causes a commotion. when Cavill does the same nobody knows him because he isnt famous in the US.
It's like when the new fantastic 4 cast walked around comicon and no one recognized them. The fact that no one recognized one of the lead actors in your movie, with or without glasses is a BAD thing.
It's stupid projection, but it means that if he wasn't recognized even without glasses with a Superman t-shirt in front of BvS ads, then with glasses it would be even harder
It proves that Superman wouldn't even need to wear glasses, he could just change his clothes and go to work at the Daily Planet and no one would recognize him. This assumes of course that Cavill is as famous IRL as Superman is in the DC universe.

You may be autistic
All this proves is that normies don't care about Cavill as Superman and don't care about BvS
Is that Bane on the left?
it's failure is implying that henry cavill is equally famous as a space alien that frequently saves the world

gosh wow i cannot for the life of me understand why they may have a senseless shitty article floating around
That's because women are simpletons prone to idolatry and celebrity worship.

I doubt Robert Redford, Kevin Costner, Kurt Russel, etc get bombarded on the streets. Men don't get all worked up over actors
If nobody recognizes him without glasses, imagine how much they won't recognize him with glasses. It's a dumb headline.
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>almost everyone with a camera in that picture is a man
This is some good bait.
I probably wouldn't recognize anyone on the street
now I get it top kek

thanks anon
>almost everyone in that picture is a man with a camera who sells the photos to magazines who's primary readership are women
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>paparazzis are the scum of the universe and contribute to the worst side of journalism
>still finds a way to blame women
Supply and demand.

You don't get rats in a clean house
why do British men go bald at such an early age?
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