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>I GET IT! What did he mean by this? https://www.youtub
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What did he mean by this?

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Tone wanders thru the woods on peyote

He sees 3 monks and paulie who's got lazer beams coming out of his eyes

Monk1; the universe is like a butcher shop where everyones turned into gabagool

Monk2: the universe is like funeral home where you witness yourself in the casket

Paulie: word to tha wise; remember perl harbor

Monk 3 passes paulie a joint the size of the world trade center, and says nothing

Paulie takes a deep hit and says the universe is like a big snake eating itself while fucking itself while a slutty nun watches

Tony gets a big boner and is now wearing a Roman centurion outfit

Paulie: u gonna kill jesus or wat tone? *hehehe*

A bear shapeshifts into the severed head of john the Baptist and says this is all a dream of smoke and vapor, as hesh and 'jamal ginzberg the hasidic homeboy 'walk by holding hands

Monk 3; damn cripple cocks. Let them fuck with the jesus

A Japanese zero flies out of the sun and kamikazis into tonys house

Tony lifts his sword to the sun while thinking of the Roman emperor hadrian

Paulie: you dreaming the histiry channel again , T?

Aj flies a jumbo jet into the tallest building in Los santos and paulie imagines going home soon to fap to threes company reruns, Which tony hears telelathically - he realizes He's still tripping in the forest when the jersey devil walks by, as the new jersey devils beat the new York rangers 3-1, and 31 years in the past a park ranger from new York sees the Jersey devil, and 333 years in the past a Russian fur trapper gets lost in the pine barrens and vaporous fog expels from his lungs as he dies alone with the jersey devil and a bunch of albino ghosts, as agent harris reviews the evidence for how jews did 9/11 , nine hundred and 11 days in the past a Jew is about to get his cock further mutilated by some wops in an attic,As Janice smokes a joint, eats cheseburgers, and listens to Zeppelin. bitch knows how to have fun
He means he acquired repeating digits
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Hesh's Balls Being Busted.webm
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*tone rubs 2 coins together while looking at hesh quite menacingly *

At this moment all the ghosts of Rome laugh at all the ghosts of zion and a primordial energy fills the room as chrissy eats a submarine sandwich and in another part of town aj posts on /tv/ in a Das Boot thread about how the jews did 9/11 and downstairs a wolf and bear are eating left over duck food and 731 days in the past tony is watching a history channel documentary about the Japanese human torture experiments at unit 731

Tony: how horrible the way they tortured humins

731 days before that tony himself was torturing and threatening to genitally mutilate an already mutilated jew and the bear wakes up out of hibernation and finds moldy gabagool in the garbage and in another part of town Artie bucco slices and dices a spicy sausage for meadows graduation or something and down the street a black guy is getting knifed by another black guy (the argument was over a Bacon cheeseburger ) and 420 days in the future the assemblyman is going balls deep in a Russian and wondering if he's as good as tony as the Russian fantasizes about Tony and a Russian mobster trys to fidget with the universal remote he just bought so he can watch a movie called the godfather

Directed by david chase
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>tfw Chase liked ambiguity in movies so much he tried to put it in his show but for all the wrong reasons
>he just liked things being confusing and not explained or told well and his excuse can always be "i enjoy foreign films for their ambiguity"
It doesn't mean anything, it's a red herring, he doesn't actually get anything or have an epiphany. He's the same Tony as always.
I think the ambiguity in the sopranos is great, even if YOU believe it be shallow

It's just a cherry on top that plebs get mad at Chase for leaving this ambiguous.

We are all one. The disconnect shown from the guys in the next episode when Tony tries to explain his experience is funny.
I have no idea what is going through his head but I think that the flash that the sun does right before he says "I get it" is supposed to be reminiscent of the lighthouse that you see in the background when Tony is in his coma and having that... "dream" or whatever the hell you call it
Roughly how much would Tony have won from those spins? He had a lot of chips.
CURRENT EPISODE: The Second Coming


they're about to show this on the stream
You ever take psychedellics? You can have thes ephipany moments where you feel like you've reached a deeper level of understanding about the universe. Then you forget it.
The thing is, on hallucinogenics (my experience is with psilocybin mushrooms, not peyote), these experiences of epiphany are usually fleeting

After the trip, you remember the feelings (the feeling that you had some revolutionary breakthrough/epiphany) but you can't really grasp or explain just what it was - just that there is something greater but unseen at work in life, or an interconnected-ness

Thinking about it though now... I think it is noteworthy that Tony has a "good trip" as opposed to a "bad trip"
the payout on one number is 35x
Yeah, but how was he betting each hand? What were his chips worth?
I thought he said "I did it!" Referring that death that had just occurred..
This is what I used to think. But if you listen closely, he says it twice, the first time much more quietly - and it's more clear that he is saying "I get it"
It's pretty messed up that they never resolved the rape story with Melfi.She got raped, could have had Tony wack the guy, chose not to, the cops seemingly dropped it, so the rapist gets away scot free and gets away with his crime.
WTF chase?
It's a commentary on how literally every woman gets raped at one point in her life and it goes unresolved. Girls are silent warriors.
i suppose this could be b8, but you got the one part wrong

the cops didn't drop it - they fucked up the chain of custody (I believe that has something to do with handling evidence) so they had to let the guy go
yeah you're right my bad
It's still super fucked up though.
She was raped and it went unresolved for seemingly no reason.
It didn't go unresolved at all

When the police fuck up and fail to give Dr. Melfi justice... she has a choice. Her decision is made pretty clear at the end of that episode.

People don't always get their "just desserts"
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>it's a red herring, he doesn't actually get anything or have an epiphany. He's the same Tony as always.
The major theme of the last season is that these characters cannot change, even if they sometimes want to, their nature always draw them back in to the comfort zone of easy money and violent pleasures.

The premiere is about Eugene killing himself because he realizes he cannot leave the mafia. The whole Vito arc is about him trying to get away from this life, but realizing he can't work like a normie, which brings his death. Tony has various psychological breakhroughs about trying to become a better man and has his whole "what if Tony was a civilian?" Kevin Finnerty dream phase, but he always gives in to his sadistic impulses (like when he bullies Janice about her kid and leaves with a big smile) and sociopathic tendencies (which Melfi realizes cannot change and finally drops him). Chris tried to get his shit together, but still ended up falling off the wagon, which resulted in T murdering him in cold blood.

Tony was delusional. I think Chase always said that what he thought made the show great and different from other shows, is that all the characters are always lying to each other, but mostly are lying to themselves.
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"The sun rises on the just and the unjust alike"
fucking retard
Tony knew this
great post
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