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Kubrick tier list
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Thread replies: 33
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>Absolute Kinography: Barry Lyndon
>Cinema: Eyes Wide Shut.
>Film: Paths of Glory, 2001.
>Movie: The Killing, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket's 2nd half.
>Flick: Spartacus, Killer's Kiss, Lolita.
>Reddit: Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket's 1st half.
>Below shit: Fear and Desire.
very close

kino: barry lyndon
cinema: 2001
film: eyes wide shut, dr. strangelove, paths of glory
movie: the killing, the shining, full metal jacket, killers kiss
flick: spartacus
reddit: a clockwork orange
viper kill urself my man: lolita, fear and desire
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Clockwork and FMJ's first half is Cinema

2001 is reddit

I agree on the rest.
Where would you rank Dr Strangelove?
Dr. Strangelove is the greatest piece of cinema ever made. There is literally nothing wrong with it, and there is literally everything right with it.
Shit, I forgot Dr. Strangelove. It's obviously a film anyway.

Kino = Barry Lyndon
Film = Clockwork, FMJ, strangelove
Movie = The Shining
Reddit = 2001
Irrelevant = The rest
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I get you guys have to be contrarians and hate it just because it's very popular, but are you actually able to explain why you rate Clockwork Orange this low?
He was a self loathing Jew though.
"Hitler was right about almost everything"
Stanley Kubrick
I'm starting to feel like they often end up serving Jews the most, though.

Wouldn't be surprised if he actually did help fake the moon landing.
>muh edgy dystopia
>muh indoctrination/mind control
>muh hamfisted leftist social commentary

it's sorta well done and admirable but it's really just the ultimate 6.5/10 wannabe redpill reddit movie
>Absolute Kinography: Dr. Strangelove
>Cinema: who gives a fuck
>Film: ditto
>Reddit: ditto
>Below shit: non-kubrick films
I think Eyes Wide Shut is underrated. You guys have good taste, it belongs near the top of a Kubrick list.

I forget where I saw it, but I saw EWS described as "flirting with danger", that's why you get the whole orgy cult thing and it feels like everything is climaxing to this wild thriller then suddenly the second half of the movie feels like a big exhale, the "day after". There isn't any danger, only flirtations.
>Absolute Kinography: Paths of Glory, Barry Lyndon
>Cinema: The Killing, 2001
>Film: Dr. Strangelove, Eyes Wide Shut
>Movie: Full Metal Jacket
>Flick: Lolita, The Shining, Killer's Kiss
>Reddit: A Clockwork Orange, Spartacus
>Below shit: Fear and Desire
>There are 10 NASA Zeiss lens in the world
>7 are used by NASA to film the dark side of the moon
>... 3 were a gift to Stanley so he could film Barry Lyndon
and den he "died" irl
>Full Metal Jacket's 1st half.
All I see are opinions, not facts (because all you said has literally nothing to do with the story, neither the book nor the movie).
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>implying the political message the cuck director is trying to convey is relevant
>implying it's not awesome because of sweet ultra violence and lovely music

What next you're gonna say starshiptroopers is le satire and american history x is anti-racist?
Don't expect a break down of anything on this board. It's nothing but shitpost. A well thought reasoned explanation with analysis of any given topic is practically impossible to come by on this board.
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>tell me why it's objectively a reddit a movie

>the message is irrelevant but the ultra violence is awesome!

spotted the redditors
It's ok, son. You tried.
Wow, actually true
What a bro
how obvious can you be
because it's entertaining
entertaining movies are reddit tier
If you think that the second half isn't better than the first you are a child
ACO is a great film. /tv/ is just being edgy.
Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 7

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