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This movie makes me want to go back to Japan. How about (You)?
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File: lost_in_translation.jpg (114 KB, 1200x800) Image search: [Google]
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This movie makes me want to go back to Japan.

How about (You)?
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I like Bill Murray. Is that a good movie?
The giant fighting monsters were the only negative IMO.
It's great. If you can relate to feelings of alienation, culture shock and loneliness you'll appreciate it more. Like all of Copola's stuff it does focus on the world of the rich and privileged but unlike the others it's broad enough to relate to. Easily her best film, Murray has never been better and definitely worth watching.
I'd like to stay in that room but the Hyatt in Tokyo is expensive as fuck.
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>mechagodzilla vs king Seasar and godzilla fight
Yeah, I stayed in Akihabara and my room was nice but literally 1/4 the size of Bob's. He's a fucking movie star though, we're not gonna be able to do everything he can. Besides, the room should just be for sleeping. No need for that much space.
"You have to go back"- Donald Crunk
Shit, watching now and the lip the stocking scene came on and got a full view of Bob's room: I was being generous with 1/4. My room was abut 1/8th - 1/10th.
Lost in Translation just makes me hate the mystique of Japan in the minds of dumbasses. Ohhh so futuristic, so weird XD, so mystical. The scene in the temple is one of the hokiest things I've ever seen in a movie.

The only good thing about Japan is Japanese women and the land itself. Otherwise it's just another shitty developed country among many, only one where 90% of the other foreigners you meet are human garbage.
Maybe Japan would be okay if you had japanese friends like charlotte had in the movie but going to japan by yourself there's not much to do in that country.
>staying in a room when capsule hotels are actually extremely comfy

Fucking richcucks
>shared amenities
Yes actually
no really
My wife's son likes to sleep in the same bed as me. Capsules don't work for that.
I went by myself and had something to do every day. How could you possibly think there's nothing to do by yourself?
Yes really
He's an autist on 4chan
Japan is so boring they invented 4chan
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