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Black Panther Is So Thick
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What does he eat in Wakanda?
watermelons and chickens, easy question
his ass looks better than widow's
Wakanda is a city that's super advanced with technology and is semi mystical and magical. It's in the heart of africa and it's supposed to be a paradise.

Yet the nigger sits on his thrown while the rest of the other african countries are ravaged by warlords, famine, and aids.
could they have picked a more bland place to fight? a fucking airport really?
What is Black Widow doing there. Why is she fighting.
i like munching donkey dick
how can the costumes be so dull and shit?

for capeshit you'd think they'd put a little more effort. BvS has them beat on this easily
What's Black Panther's thing anyway? Is he just a black man in a suit or what? What are his powers?
Stan Lee is a cuck
Why are they fighting in a random airport?
Yeah that's a great ass.
He is the Prince of Mugambo Land and has special "animal" traits like jumping up and down like a monkey
>that filter


why did they remove all the color
So in the trailer they showed them confronting the avengers about their collateral damage death tolls and cap was visibly sacked by it. Since this fight is on their terms and not some rando villian, it'd make sense that they both agreed to fight somewhere where innocents won't get hurt. While they may be fighting each other, they're all still heroes at their core and value protecting life.
So his special power is chimping out? How is this not the most racist thing ever?
But an airport is a terrible place for that
Why couldn't they fight in a desert or on an island? What about the people who need to get on a flight so they can feed their families with their soul-deadening jobs?
Wakanda is full of asshole. Supposedly they've had the cure for cancer for years but won't share with anyone because they don't think their worthy or some shit. Even worse when you consider Black Panther was there when Captain Marvel died of cancer.
seriously this movie looks like fucking shit

are they all like that?
They usually have Hulk to add some green and purple to brighten it up. Without him there's too many black costumes by comparison.
>98% cgi
Surely a picturesque field.
I'm enjoying how mad people are getting at this movie.
I'll enjoy it even more when both this and BvS smash the 1 billion mark just to see autists lose their shit.
itd be cool if this part with them running at each other wasn't in the movie

its like that scene in avengers or avengers 2 at the start when they all come together for the slow mo shot, it just shouts "made for trailer"
I wonder if someone out there is just writing posts and then reposting them dozens of times a day on CW threads.
He's agile like a panther. And he smokes some
"special herb" to give him superhuman abilities.
He iz kingz
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Why are they running to each other? Are they trying to make a film version of this?

Justice League can't come soon enough. Snyders movies actually look like a comic book

if its as shit as man of steel that isn't gonna happen
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>company war drones
Why don't these neckbeards stay in /co/?
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>Snyders movies actually look like videogames
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>the unnecessary eye zoom

Were they worried this shot wasn't ugly enough already?
The only two things in that shot that aren't computer generated are Black Panther (and even that I could be wrong about) and Black Widow.
Am I supposed to believe Iron-Man wouldn't instagib/neutralize all these fags in a second?
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Considering this happened, yes you are.
This movie looks like it's going to suck so bad...
Cap took a battleship single handedly. Iron Man is just a man in a suit of armor.
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He couldn't even headshot this twat
I think it's just the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-tier framing of this action scene that's throwing them off.

>Captain America: possibly his best suit so far, excellent blend of WWII, stealth suit and AOU costume but with the unnecessary red accents removed and the leather straps reinstated
>Iron Man: another solid if unspectacular armour upgrade, looks better than most of the Iron Man 3 suits but doesn't quite top the Mark 45 in the prettiness stakes
>Ant-Man: solid update to the more vintage-style suit from his own solo film, looks fantastic
>Black Panther: holy shit that's a great-looking costume
>War Machine: best he's looked since Iron Man 2, great bulky walking tank aesthetic

Everything is pretty bland, but those are definitely ranging from 'good' to 'fantastic' in design-wise. Ant-Man, War Machine and Black Panther are by far my favourites.

>super heros about to board a plane
>ah shit, it's those other super heroes
>well I'm sitting next to Iron man
>well I get the aisle seat
>fuck that
>...better fight
If he doesn't fuck a white woman I'll blow my brains out in the theater

> the internet literally cannot handle a black man as a superhero.

You're your own worst enemy.
This. Scarjo is too skinny. I need to fuck that black boipussi.
>everyone talking about spiderman
>meanwhile /tv/ losing their shit over a fight taking place in an airport
Could this board be more autistic.
It's kind of hysterical and sad at the same time just how all over the place Iron Man's power levels are in everything past the first two films. Instead of writing situations and villains that correspond to what was established here, they just lazily nerf or buff him as required.
You better get to doing it because there aren't going to be any romance shit in this movie.
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>you just started a war
>a Civil Warâ„¢ available in imax

How the fuck does Marvel get away with it
It looks so horrible done though. Let's just run at each other despite most of us having long ranged attacks.
haha Iron Man 1, Tony. Total bad ass. Everything else, he becomes a little bitch.
Is Hulk in this?
No. He'll be in Thor: Ragnarok, though.
>Calling another guy thick


You clearly don't understand how things work outside of /tv/. It has Batman in it. That's more than enough for normies.
Perfectly possible. People are currently dying from eating too much while people all over the world are dying from too little food. You don't give a fuck. I clearly don't care enough to do anything.

So many americans don't give an inkling of a fuck about homeless people dying on the street. They don't care about the family father dying from an expensive disease, because: "He could just have had insurance".

Wakandans are no worse than most other western worlds. Still douchey, but not so much that it crosses over into unrealistic territory.
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>not liking thick guys

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