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So why was Tony driving around in literally a poor man's
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File: lol audi.jpg (400 KB, 1440x1530) Image search: [Google]
lol audi.jpg
400 KB, 1440x1530
So why was Tony driving around in literally a poor man's Ferrari?

And with that Easy Cheese orange coat too, what the absolute fuck.
Wait? They're the same height?
Because car companies pay a premium to have a car commercial embedded in movies.

Come on, OP, is this your first movie?
Tony looks a little taller
File: 2016-03-11 02.26.58.jpg (464 KB, 1439x838) Image search: [Google]
2016-03-11 02.26.58.jpg
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Its a step up from his Acrua NSX in Avengers 1
Literally the poor mans Audi
It's a poor man's Gallardo dummy.
NSX is most fun car ever made
>probably has a Honda Civic in real life
He gets to drive an Iron Man suit every day. Even if he had a Bugatti it would still feel like a piece of shit nigga so why would he care.
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>not taking into account surface level when its right there in the background
>not taking into account RDJ's fuck huge frankenstein shoes.

what, are you retarded or just now figuring out RDJ is the most insecure celebrity.
product placing
Supra >:D
Where can I get shoes like that?
Is there a celebrity more insecure the Robert Downey?
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RDJ get his specifically custom made... Or you can let Frankenstein experiment on you.
Doesn't explain the color.
Im sorry about your penis bro.

what is his problem
My penis is quite big. Like 3.8 inches.
Why do you think he used coke 90% of his career?
Uhm.. er.. Silvia?
Im sorry about your partial erectile dysfunction bro
The Audi product placement gets so obnoxious. They even had Hawkeye randomly find one in BadSlavAccentovia during a fight scene.

Keep paying all that money Audi, everyone still thinks you're boring.
>poor mans audi
>beats a 458 by a second at nurburgring

fak off
>caring about performance
literally not the point of these cars
these cars are about getting a lot of slut puss
File: Charlie.jpg (86 KB, 1591x1031) Image search: [Google]
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Did someone say...
yep a v10 r8 is totally anti pussy bro.
god forbid a girl gets picked up in one by her loser bf
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I never noticed how shitty the colour was there
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