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Would you sacrifice your life for a female, /tv/?
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Would you sacrifice your life for a female, /tv/?
only if she touched my weiner first
>sacrificing anything for roasties

If I knew that she loved me and wouldn't remarry or fuck other guys after I died, I think I would, but for all practical intents and purposes, no.
>Would you sacrifice your life for a female, /tv/?

If women want equality, they can't expect men to make these sacrifices for them.

Sacrificing your life for a woman is a patriachal concept. It requires a proper patriarchy, in which women know their place.

Women can't have their cake and eat it too.
For my mom, probably.
>Would you sacrifice your life
Stop there, the answer is no
you would want the woman you loved to be miserable for decades after you died?
No, you only get one life.
Only if we had a child or children.
That's retarded. You think a mother would want to live out her life knowing her child was dead? Everything she's ever done was for you and you would throw your entire life away just so she could live a few more (manically depressing) years?
Possibly. Definitely not for someone I'd known for like a week though.
Yeah, I don't really value my own life. There are a couple people I would definitely do it for.
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Fuck no. If you say otherwise you're a beta or a simp. Long live the Pimp.
If she's either currently knocked up by me or currently tsking care of my children then yes

If not then prolly nah

Gotta play that evoloution game famalam

I'd sacrifice my life for any innocent, especially women and children. If you saw someone about to be hit by a bus, would you really hesitate to do everything in your power to save them even at the cost of your own life?

It isn't about power or status or control or praise or reciprocation or anything like that. It's about love.
My daughter, yes. I'd have to think about it for anyone else.
Yes to my niece no to anyone else but I am sure that will change in the future.

Never seen a gayer post than this. Congratulations.

That's the mother of all "Christian Cuckservatism" posts.
>If you saw someone about to be hit by a bus, would you really hesitate to do everything in your power to save them even at the cost of your own life?
Yeah, because fuck getting hit by a bus
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I feel very self-sacrificial around pretty Asian women. I lose my ego almost entirely and just want to protect and take care of them. It's not a good thing but yeah I think it'd be easy to give my life for someone like this.
Probably, I'm dumb as shit.
Well I'm not an only child so I would rather have me be dead and my brothers and sisters comfort my mom than having me hate myself for not saving her
How beta can you get
Only if it meant sex afterwards.
This is america, grab a gun and shoot the bus driver.

if I had a daughter I would and that's just about it
I would for my mother/daughter/wife(assuming she is my perfect version of a wife)
You might as well live to have more kids
If she has nice feet, sure.

bitch tier response
my nigga
Probably for the mother of my children. Maybe for one of my children. Sacrificing your life before you pass on your genes is the ultimate form of cuckoldry.
Not one I just a met on the fucking boat.
>If you saw someone about to be hit by a bus, would you really hesitate to do everything in your power to save them even at the cost of your own life?
I'd watch them get hit and act horrified and shit, but theres absolutely no way i would even consider jumping in front of that shit. wouldnt even lose a minute of sleep that night

It was a ship you stupid nigger
I would take her down with me
same fucking thing moron
Fuck no. I'd let my own flesh and blood die to save my ass.
Stupid nigger
Really you would sacrifice your life for an innocent black man who had a white wife he made ten kids with?

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