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>Star Wars ever beating Avatar In your dreams normalfags.
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>Star Wars ever beating Avatar

In your dreams normalfags.
>Avatar came out 7 years ago
just put your ray gun to my head senpai
I totally understand Titanic getting the kind of box office it did but, Avatar's puzzles me to this day.

Titanic mania was a ridiculously huge. Like, there are no guarantees in life and all but, it really wasn't too surprising it made the money it did.

Most of the mania over Avatar was from the fact that it broke box office records and that James Cameron had now directed not just one but the two top highest grossing movies of all time but, I mean, how the hell did it get to that point in the first place?

tl;dr - Titanic getting the box office it did was pretty understandable. Avatar number one box office of all time outta fucking nowhere, wtf?
Avatar was pretty bad too and so was titanic, Cameron can make movies that appeal to a lot of people but they're actually pretty terrible, all they have going for them is a simple story and cool special effects.
Titanic is a near masterpiece. Avatar was okay but, definitely needed a better story/script.
Avatar was sold as an experience. It also got great reviews and word of mouth when it came out.

Everyone was talking about it. How it took years to make, and how based Jim even waited for the technology to be invented so that he could make it. There was gigantic hype around it.
Avatar was the first movie marketed like a eal 3D experience
>A shitty love story with one dimensional characters
You're joking, right?
It did have nice well made special effects, but other than that it's garbage.
>and so was Titanic

Titanic was actually a really good film. I don't get where this revisionist history is coming from. Everyone loved Titanic when it came out.

Guess this is the famous /tv/ mentality of, 'if it's popular then it's bad'.
Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good either, just that it was made to appeal to a lot of different people, the truth is that it's just a really shallow movie at it's core. Can you explain why you liked it instead?
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>Romeo and Juliet
>a shitty love story with one dimensional characters
>Can you explain why you liked it instead?

-Fantastic direction
-Great acting
-Great plot
-Great set design
-Amazing camera work
-Really top tier use of special effects
-Feels, many feels -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RcVzevWX4U
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pottery exhibit
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>hating on based jim
Do you not remember the articles about people leaving the theatre and being depressed because Pandora was better than real life? Avatar blew peoples minds.
JLaw is now hated by reddit and normies.

Time to update.
>implying that was hate

I'm also the guy who called Titanic a near masterpiece. I think Jim's a top notch director and if I were an executive producer he'd be one of my top choices to direct one of my projects.

I just probably wouldn't ask him to write any of the scripts.
exactly, it was a worse Romeo and Juliet, nothing to brag about
>Great acting
DiCaprio's acting was awful
>Great plot
It's a love story with a tragic twist at the end, what's so amazing about it? It's really simple and a lot of people can relate to it, but that doesn't mean it was good.
I do agree that it was really well made, the set design was great and the special effects were something that was never done before, but the main purpose of a movie like this is to tell a story, none of it matters when the story you're trying to tell isn't that good to begin with.
Literally just the high point of this generation's 3D fad.

Anyone who watched it outside of a cinema found it really fucking boring, like myself. Which is a shame, because it's one of the two Cameron movies I don't like, the other being Titanic.
>DiCaprio's acting was awful
>what's so amazing about it?
>what's so amazing about Romeo and Juliet

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No other movie made me cry as much.

How does he do it /tv/?
There was plenty room on that door.

Dumb bitch.
What´s so great about Pandora? Star Wars had the same planet with Felucia in ROTS. All in all, the Star Wars universe seems much more interesting. Why no Star Wars mania anymore or are people burnt out from that since the 70s?
>cgi shitfest remake of dancing with the wolves
>cgi shitfest remake of episode iv
Like i said, it's a worse Romeo and Juliet. It's a shittier and more simplified version of a story that was done over a thousand times already, nothing really special.
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Literally perfect. :3
You have death stars and shit fucking your galaxy up so there is always fear of being a target.

Pandora on the other hand not except for invading humans.
It'll beat it
the Nearer My God to Thee scene is what brings me to tears not really that.
i was in a digital arts class and we were raving about it. Even some of the greatest commercial artists we were into were involved. Like Dylan Cole.
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