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Love won't save you Padme, only my new powers can do that.
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File: Anakin_Skywalker_RotS.png (1 MB, 819x1024) Image search: [Google]
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Love won't save you Padme, only my new powers can do that.
File: sdfsdfsdfdsfdsfdsf.gif (97 KB, 192x188) Image search: [Google]
97 KB, 192x188
>force crushes her esophagus
Sure, Anakin. Sure.
can your powers save Bowie padawan?
The dark side of the force is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural...
Spoilers you motherfuking an us suckered. I'll hunt your down and rape you whole family and your dog in front of you
For fucks sake man. I was going to watch the movie for the first time today, and i was under the impression that i'd get to finally see young Darth Vader killing Anakin in this one. DISAPPOINTMENT!
Let's the honest here, he was just trying to save face and knew there was nothing anyone could do to save Padmé.
He only became a Sith to score dark side pussy.
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