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Who else /oscars/ here? They're mostly bull but i still
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Who else /oscars/ here?

They're mostly bull but i still care about them. What'll win Best Pic 2015?
Probably Spotlight. I can't wait to see the Oppression Olympics this year
>tfw you'll never win an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay and give thanks to the big guys at /tv/
Self-fagging to say i hope The Revenant wins and Innaritu will bring a new golden age of cinema upon us.

That said The Danish Girl will probably get it because a tranny-biopic with Eddy Redmayne is the oscar commitee's wet dream

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>not nominating this masterpiece
Is Sicario actually good? Havent gotten round to watching it yet
The Revenant has it in the bag. It will win Best Picture, Director, Actor, Cinematography and probably something else too

>a film bashing christianity will win Best Picture
It'll be lucky to get a nomination
Spotlight was great. I haven't seen Revenant or Scario yet though.
>They're mostly bull

Tell that to Leo
What happened with the screeners?
I thought there were about 40 of them.
He probably thinks it himself by now tbf
>being exploited by the jewish run media corporations
>somehow better than getting an education and making bank

Niggers, ladies and gentlemen
>jews bashing christianity
>not winning
The only way it wouldn't win is if people start bringing up Woody Allen or Polanski
I'd honestly give it to Bone Tomahawk but we don't like in that world unfortunately.
Spotlight wins because it's the "safe" vote. No other movie this year is controversial or "good" enough to overtake it.
I hope oscar issac gets one
not because he deserves one, I just like the guy
especially in ex machina
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>dat soundtrack
>emily blunt and benicio del toro
>god tier soundtrack
>god tier suspense and tension
>brilliant direction

It's personally my favourite movie of the year, but it's a personal opinion. Most of my friends love it but some hate it because of the ending, but in my opinion the ending is perfect.
In an ideal world it would go as follows:

Best Cinematography: The Revenant (obviously)
Best Lead Female: Brie Larson (Room)
Best Lead Male: Michael Fassbender (The Revenant)
Best Supporting Male: Tom Hardy (The Revenant)
Best Visual Effects: Star Wars: TFA
Best Sound: Bone Tomahawk
Best Editing: The Hateful Eight
Best Director: Ryan Coogler (Creed)

Best Film: Bone Tomahawk
>Best Lead Male: Michael Fassbender (The Revenant)
Best animated feature?

2015 was one of the worst years in recent memory for animated films - Inside Out will probably nab it
*Michael Fassbender (Steve Jobs)
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>Best Visual Effects: Star Wars: TFA

Yeah yeah corrected it.
I agree with Chris we need more black dentists
>A wild Cameronfag appeared.

Not for a second claiming its an achievement on the same level as Avatar but nothing else stood out this year.
I want The Lobster to win something but it won't :(
>2015 was one of the worst years in recent memory for animated films

Anomalisa came out this year you fucking pleb. I fucking hate this board, it's worse than IMDB these days.

You're right, Inside Out will get it even if it wasn't that good.

In fact, we had quite a lot of animated movies this year. I looked at the list of movies that could compete for that Oscar, there are like 30 of them, but they were so shit that I forgot they existed. The main competition will be Minions, Good Dinosaur, Inside Out and arguably Anomalisa (but it's too mature for an animated movie at the oscars, it will lose).
Meh im not a fan of Kaufman, feel like he puts so much into being artsy and clever and deep that his films lose actual watchability & magic

He's YMS-core
Wild card: When Marnie Was There. Oscars love Ghibli, only anime they have ever nominated.
This category should be wiped off the face of the fucking map.

All it does it give Disney an automatic Oscar (Pixar if one of their films are nominated, Disney animation in general if not) and all it does is show the utter apathy voters have for animation. Thier idea of quality is whatever entertains their little Suzi or Jimmy.

Is it good? I have it on my hard drive but the story doesn't look really interesting for me.
''Man gets hit by football'' this is the real winner
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>bunch of filthy rich motherfuckers patting themselves on the back and giving each other golden trophies

I love this fucking show. I want Leo to lose so we'll get yet another film of him going all-in.
There have been 14 Best Animated Feature awards

Disney/Pixar have won 9

Is this all a big fix? Or is it just cause Disney pump out so many?
Since 2007 the only year a Pixar or Disney film did not win was in 2011, and that's because neither company had a nominee.

It's almost like since Pixar got butt hurt that Happy Feet bear Cars in 2006, Disney has gone all out to ensure it never happened again.
So while early on the category was somewhat reliable, things changed in the late 2000's.
>mfw Iñarritu and Lubezki win and americans get butthurt

People (Americans) got mad because a dirty mexican won best picture instead of American Sniper
I got butthurt cause Grand Budapest didnt win
Spotlight is the easy frontrunner. Haven't see Revenant yet but it looks like the only other real contender.
Carol and The Danish Girl will split the gay vote and neither of them will come close.
Spotlight or The Big Short.
I love the whole production, but the actual awards can go fuck a dirty sheep.
Calling it:
Inside Out
The Good Dinosaur
Shaun the Sheep Movie

What should be nominated:
When Marnie Was There
The Little Prince
The Big Short
The Revenant
Bridge of Spies

I think those are the only obvious Best Picture candidates. Room, Inside Out, Trumbo, and The Hateful Eight might sneak in there too.

Cate Blanchett will most likely get Best Actress even though she really didn't do anything noteworthy in the movie. Brie Larson deserves it but she won't get it because she's too young and not "newsworthy" like Jennifer Lawrence. I think for Best Actor it will be Leo vs Redmayne vs Hanks vs Carrel vs Cranston. Tom Hardy is a lock for Supporting Actor. Don't know much about the Supporting Actress crop. The Big Short will take Best Adapted Screenplay for sure, but Room might be a shock win. Best director will probably go to AGI again honestly.

I dunno I'm just spitballing.
>Tom Hardy is a lock for Supporting Actor.

Based Stallone will win though.
Over under on Cate winning four oscars in her lifetime?

Surely she wins more than Streep.
Stallone acceptance speech will be glorious.
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As long as Saoirse is going to win for best actress or Rooney for best supporting actress I will be happy.
if Saoirse beats Brie fucking Larson I will be pissed.
There's an age limit for this board.
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Huge Action was the best host this past decade and you know it!
This "Sicario is amazing" meme needs to die.

The script was utter dogshit. It looked great, the actors were admirable, solidly edited, atmospheric score. But the writing... you could tell the writer has amateur at best knowledge on the subject. It was all very hokey and sensationalist, with dialogue that wouldn't be out of place on a Law and Order episode (This is the land of wolves). And then there were the contrivances. That Jon Bernthal scene was such a mess from a writing standpoint. The motherfucker happens to have that specific wrist band linked to the drug money in a previous scene? Fuck off. And all the characters other than the three mains were just wastes. I give this movie a 6/10 based on the atmosphere, performances, and other little things, but this won't win any awards and rightly so.
It's a thrill, people try to make more out of it than it is though.
Mad Max or Sicario will win best film
DiCaprio will get nominated for best actor
Tranny Redmayne will win best actor because oscar bait film and sjw's
JJ Abrams will win best director
Mad Max will win best film editing
Star Wars will win a bunch of technical awards
Matt Damon in space will win best screenplay
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Sicario is pretty amazing but it probably won't get any nominations besides Cinematography. Spotlight will win.
Here's the thing. The Little Prince won't qualify till next year like Shuan the Sheep. Anomalisa is likely to be the last nominee since it just got a wide release.

Kaufman has been making masterpieces for probably longer than YMS has been alive.

You're like those fucking underage tweets that call Darth Vader Space-Voldemort

I disagree with Tom Hardy as a lock for supporting. There were a fuck ton of excellent supporting performances this year. Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Idris Elba, Mark Rylance all put in Oscar worthy supporting performances too.
I never saw that I wish I did
Spotlight will win duh. Unless The Big Short overperforms in oscar nominations.

Expect Sicario to have shit load of love
>Michael Keaton
Dull, unimpressive, played the same character he played in The Paper 20 years ago
>Mark Ruffalo
Are you fucking kidding? He talked like a retard and his yelling scenes were awful. What the hell was that accent supposed to be?
>Idris Elba
Pretty decent but no way he'd beat Hardy. The Academy won't recognize Netflix originals this year anyway.
>Mark Ryalnce
Holy shit you're right. I completely forgot how amazing he was in that movie. I think it's between him and Hardy then.
anomalisa was kinda shit, though. Kinda revealed kaufman needs someone else to amplify the good parts of his writing and gloss over the bad.

Possibly. I still think my favorite screenplay of his is Eternal Sunshine, which Michel Gondry directed, and that remains Gondry's sole good film. I haven't seen Synecdoche or Anomalisa yet though.

Will he ever work with Spike Jones again?
>Best supporting
>Anyone but Stallones

Plebs please
No way bro, he missed SAG

Do you have a copypasta folder or? How does one save a pasta, paste to a notepad and save in a folder? And when you see an opportunity to use it you go to said folder and search for the appropriate pasta? People really can't put more than 2 sentences together so they take someone elses opinion and shitpost it to death just because?

It baffles me really
>The Academy won't recognize Netflix originals this year anyway.
Yes, because it is completely unprecedented for The Academy to nominate a Netflix produced film.
My bad. Documentary is often a "free for all" category anyway.
If Saoirse Ronan doesn't win best actress there is no justice in the world
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