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details on Felicity Jones and Mads Mikkelsen in Rogue One
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>Mads Mikkelsen (Galen appears to be his name in the film) is kind of the key to the film in a way. He is a scientist that took over the Geonosian Death Star project. He solved several of the flaws the Empire could not and is sort of a revered person in the Empire for his contributions. However, Mikkelsen’s character is a Robert Oppenheimer-type character. Oppenheimer helped design the atomic bomb only to say, “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” The guilt “Galen” feels for his contributions to the Empire become too much and he defects, attempting to make things right. In order to do this, he enlists the help of his only daughter….
>Felicity Jones’ character has to undo the devastation her family has unleashed onto the galaxy
>strong womyn leads a squadron of men in a covert operation

feminism: the movie. This is going to flop so hard.
Hype for Mads. Glad he isn't strictly a bad guy in this one. I feared he was being typecasted again.
Just like TFA!
When does the movie take place in the timeline?
This. Great to see him in more big budget productions.
Same time as ANH.
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>GOAT cast
>OT stormtroopers and vehicles
>Gritty war movie in the SW universe
>Interesting plot
>Vader likely to appear

I'm in.
Isn't it before the events in ANH?
>absolutely no ties into Rebel what so ever

/co/fags BTFO
Just before A New Hope. Its about stealing the death star plans so just before Leia gets them in ANH is my guess
you forgot

>Shadowtroopers being in a live action Star Wars film
maybe leia will appear in the movie
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trailer is rumoured to drop with Cap: Civil War
between III and IV
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So basically a live action Battlefront.


It's not believable at all

this is supposed to be their "gritty, realistic" SW adaptation

not to mention how fucking unbearably obvious it is that they're shoehorning these roles in
They're going to call him Galen just to snipe the name from the EU fags now that Force Unleashed isn't canon.
Two movies so far, and two woman protagonists.
Grimdark star wars movie when?
Just gritty won't please my autism. I want a -16 star wars movie with clones or storm trooper living hell on some shitty planet and "it ain't me playing" when they introduce the main characters
Disney's done it before.




So is it going to have Bothans in it? They helped steal the Death Star plans didn't they?
That was the 2nd death star
youre still going to watch it though
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I wonder how many Bothans died for this movie...
Oh right: NONE because they didn't hire a single bothan actor.
Fuck Disney.
Is "Why aren't there any Bothans" a meme? Don't people know the Bothans got the plans for the second death star?

I keep seeing people say it.
would have been cooler like a heist movie
Thatll be Rogue 2
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>bothan actor

I actually may not

I didn't get any lasting joy from TFA and it's clear that they aren't interested in quality creative material

this SJW shit is just the icing on the shit cake right here
So far this movie sounds like it's shaping out pretty well.
Yet you're gonna watch it anyway.
How many blockbusters have male protagonists?
Why do you care about it so much?

The only annoying thing in TFA for me was Rey telling Finn to let go of her hand the second time, I was fine with it the first time but the second time was a bit forced and made me roll my eyes.

I don't remember any SJW pandering in the rest of the film though unless simply having a female main character is now SJW pandering.

This doesn't fit into the Star Wars universe at all. Take a look around the room at the Rebel Alliance in ANH.

I wouldn't give half a shit if they were doing this in a new IP but it's clear that they're shoehorning their agenda into a franchise they already know has significant pull and fanbase.
I wanted Mads to be the fucking villain.
Site a source motherfuck.
this actually shares a lot of similarities to the Star Wars d6 adventure "starfall" except the daughter worked for the empire, it involved star destroyers instead of death star, and the PCs are trying to help him defect.

awesome adventure.
>a 70's movie was sexist
god when will this meme end? Women are not suited for action adventure lead roles.

They belong in horror/survival flicks where their feminine traits actually come into play

>ie any horror movie ever, Alien, Terminator etc

Just feels wrong. Same with in TFA.

They are perverting Star Wars with their bias. Rey was perfect in every way and basically Kathleen Kennedy's fanfic addition. I have no doubt they're going to go on to push her as "le GOATiest Jedi of all time". Nevermind that it's cheap and non-engaging, it's about having some kind of generic power fantasy broadcast to the world.

As far as Rogue Squadron, it was basically all-male in ANH and that's par for reality. These are still human beings even if they live amongst alien species. Why shoehorn another female power fantasy into a leadership role in a "gritty" SW movie featuring them? Kills realism and is non-cohesive.
>Women are not suited for action adventure lead roles.
Only because you're not used to it.

Kids growing up now will be used to it.
How much are you willing to bet that they will do some extremely lore-unfriendly retcon like the Death Star blowing some planet up even though it's clearly stated that Alderaan was the first planet it destroyed?
Or even worse, it's revealed that this Death Star is ANOTHER one and not the one we see in IV.

Real life is "sexist", anon. Leia was still a progressive addition.
What happened to /tv/
Rogue 2 : stealth space goats cuck the empire

I wish we could have a SINGLE star wars movie were the bad guys aren't an incompetent bunch of losers
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>Wait the director is Garath Evens? The guy that did the Raid movies? FUCKING AWESOME!
>No, it's Garath Edwards, the guy who made the last... Godzilla movie.
No shit.
Kids mimic what they see in culture.
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Hopefully "violence against women" will stop being a thing too then since apparently they can take a knock on the chin just like any other dude, right

I'm sure feminists will be pushing for the end of discriminatory favoritism there
I could see Mads Mikkelsen the death star engineer purposely building a thermal exhaust port leading to the reactor system so he would know about the one weakness and tell the rebels/luke about it
Punished "Venom" Death Star
Now, I am become Yoda
>Mads' name is Galen
>There has been a Galen Marek
>tfw this is the Galaxy's version of John
Hnnnng dat world building. LukeS said Kenobi was like Smith for them but there was only Obi-wan, making that seem BS. LukeS BTFO yet again.

Yeah, men being combat leaders is just a "social construct", I'm so sure
Diego Luna will surprise reveal himself as Ezra at the end of the movie and he dies holding off Vader while the survivors escape and transmit the plans
No. I refuse to believe it.
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>Mads is now in starshit
is the death star exhaust port problem Galens fault or sheevs budgeting ?
Is he human or Geonosian? Or another alien? Or do we know?
The only thing he did wrong with godzilla was to not use some pop-rock music during the final fight.
I hope he won't forget and will put some sum41 during the most epic x-wing vs tie fighters dogfight scene
>anime rxn image

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He's is in Capeshit, too. Dude sold out hard
Seems like half of the EU was called Galen.

>Now, I am become Death Star, the destroyer of worlds.
2 death stars would explain why it took so long to construct the first one, I guess?
I thought it was the british cucumber guy who was strange phd
Madsy needs a new garage.
This film is wookiepedia levels of autism. Why does such a small detail in the original film need a multi-million dollar backstory? Some guys died getting the plan. Why do we need 2 hour to show how this happened?
He is, Mads will be the villain(Maybe, his role hasn't been confirmed yet).
>Getting triggered by anime reaction pics
I don't think 4Chan is the place for you, buddy
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>Now, I am become Starkiller Base, the killer of stars
The fact that they're making a Han Solo and Boba Fett movie indicates that they have no new ideas
Who cares if Rey is perfect in every way? She wasn't, but even if she was she came out as the least interesting character in the film anyway so why are you bothered that she was "perfect"

I don't even know where to begin with your second point, it was basically all male and why shoe horn a female into a leadership role?

What is Leia? What is Mon Mothma? These were both women in a leadership role in a militia.

And kills realism? really? are you going too shout at the screen in anger every time a woman kills someone on a fantasy planet with a weapon that doesn't obey the laws of physics because a woman couldn't kill a man in real life or something?

Also the rebel alliance is massively underpowered small force compared to the empire, do you really think in reality they'd say "well, we do need more soldiers to help in our cause but you're a woman, so you'll actually be no help whatsoever", they'd be trying to recruit as many people as they can get, children are weaker than adults and yet child soldiers are still a thing.

I don't know if your post is bait or why I'm even trying to respond to something that is so stupid I can't wrap my brain around it, but here we are.
Now, Yoda I am become

I just want there to be Y-Wings; which TFA was sorely lacking.
There were hardly any in the OT.
>Take a look around the room at the Rebel Alliance in ANH
You mean the one with Leia calling the shot ?
And RotJ had a female leader for the rebellion too.

I don't like female pandering either but it completly fits with the SW universe.
You can't blame Disney for trying to bank on that Disney Princess money.
Monsters war pretty good
They actually do. At least the sane ones. Hell, I don't know any progressive person who cares about chivalry these days anyway.

She wasn't an operational leader

Think about it, a female higher up like brass or a politician isn't that far-fetched, but a female sergeant leading guys through the operation and grit?
Because they can show us Darth Vader again and beat Avatar a second time in a row with that.
Rey is the most retarded thing in any star wars movie. Shes the new Jar Jar. And yes shes fucking perfect at everything she does.

Mary Sue piece of shit character

No they don't. They've been causing an unholy shitstorm about NFL domestic violence and elsewhere. Never mind the fact that football players regularly get into fights with guys as well.

Feminists are selfish, inconsistent assholes. It's about all the good things about being a man but none of the bad. I don't think it's "fedora" tier to be critical of a movement that wants all the charm and none of the responsibility.
>gritty, realistic

I'm fine with TFA being a soft rehash of ANH by the way.

Imperial scientist implies human because the Empire was speciest.

Coruscant and the "core worlds" like Alsakan and Kuat were mostly human; and they had this thing called "Human High Culture."

In Star Wars Episode II, there's a quick scene where the Goenosian king gives Count Dooku the Death Star plans. It was planned by them, but Mads improved it and made it work.
What the fuck you on about man? Leia was on the ground and in the shit fighting troopers in every ot movie.
>but a female sergeant leading guys through the operation and grit?

So? You have never heard about badass female soldiers like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyudmila_Pavlichenko before?
Hidalgo promised that there will be "major" connections between Rebels and Rogue One.

She didn't go on the Death Star run with them
>Felicity Jones
Won't even bother downloading a DVD screener
so you have no taste

thanks for clarifying
This is the second thread on /tv/ I've been in today where she is mentioned.

But this anon is right, plenty of women have led soldiers through successful operations.
Is there still a link out there to the short footage shown at D23?
Because she isn't a fucking pilot?

Sniping is something women are capable at
Go be contrarian somewhere else

But that woman wasn't a unit leader?

I really can't think of an instance of a central operational role
You're just talking about feminazis. There are many women who want real equality even if it includes negative aspects too. Because believe it or not, most women would also hold the door open for you because that's how you are supposed to treat other people in our society, regardless of gender.
Fucking read a history book, m8.

She wasn't a pilot?

She isn't a ground trooper either

she stuck with the main protag group in Han Solo/Luke/Chewie etc., she wasn't a sergeant out there in the battle of Hoth
Lots of times, fucking Google man.
Oppenheimer was a traitor?
go use your meme words on reddit
Did you even watch? She was commanding with the other commanders in the Battle of Hoth.
Hello, Reddit
>I do not understand what a "mary sue" is, but I will parrot it anyway
>I want to fit in
Holy shit it's never been as obvious as this that the guys here have never touched a women before.
all of the human high culture stuff is not canon anymore

in the canon stuff the empire uses aliens, the inquisitors in star wars rebels are all aliens

>a few cherrypicked and isolated cases with limited historical record compared to the millions of male cases

I'm going to go with "anomaly" here
Hi, Mark, how's your sex life?
Different Death Star, fagit
Galen is the key to all of this
Shouldn't you be taking your wife's son to the movies.

No, I have. That's mostly why I have trouble suspending my disbelief when they're shoehorned into roles like this on a regular basis.
Because men wouldn't allow them to fight?

Use common sense.

If there are less women, there would be less women commanders. Not all women can be warriors, neither can all men. But more men are warriors.

Even if they are anomaly, what is the point you're trying to make about Leia? Then she is an anomaly.

I already said, a female brass is not that far fetched, even if rare
Its great this anons mom>>64557473
is tight af

Well we have two new Star Wars movies now and supposedly both of their main, power leads are women.

Do the math
Will Sheev Jerky appear in this film?
Sorry I chose one with just 7. The website is cursory with information, but you can Google any of these names and find very detailed historic records.

Need more? Here are some modern day examples from just the USA.


>a website ambiguously talking up the achievements of a few women for political points

Honestly if those are the "most" impressive cases that isn't very impressive. There were doctors, brass, someone who "helped" defend a place.

How about this

>Oh no, I cannot relate to the main character unless it is a white male I can self-insert has
>There aren't enough movies with white male main characters!
>6 movies in the franchise with male leads excluding Leia is not enough.
>Well we have two new Star Wars movies now and supposedly both of their main, power leads are women

Just read what you just wrote and tell me that this isnt the most strereotypical virgin thing to say
What, breaking records and doing shit that you have never done and never will do, despite being male?

See, here's the attitude that just turns me off

>white suburban kid post
I'm looking forward to Vader showing up at the end and slaughtering most of the main characters.

Honestly I'm hoping all the main characters die but they still managed to get the plans sent to the Tantive IV
Just days before I think. Its all about getting the plans to the death star

I wouldn't consider myself the most impressive male desu. I'm fine with not having delusions of grandeur.


I think the virgins are the ones who seem to think regular men respect women on a level to follow them into battle and death

They can't even command the respect of a college football team

It's natural social dynamics
But you are giving no reason for your dismay except that the lead roles are occupied by women.

Why is that bad? Make up your goddamn mind whether or not TFA was a rehash of ANH.

I do think that unless she had her memory wiped, Rey was a Mary Sue. Being female, this made me angry. It just gave you viriginal autists more fuel to flame the role of the female lead.

Most media I enjoy has male leads. It doesn't bother me. Why should I read things that have protagonists just like me? I want to walk in other people's shoes, experience a life different than my own.

There have been 6 movies in the franchise without female leads [again, excluding the one character of Leia]. Why can't there be one that at least changes the formula a bit?

Your precious series isn't under some malicious takeover with an agenda.
>Your precious series isn't under some malicious takeover with an agenda.

>I'm like female Twilight fans.
>I need a main character like me that I can self-insert with

No one is giving me real reasons why male protagonists are superior in Star Wars.
Hello reddit!
>I wouldn't consider myself the most impressive male desu
So you dismiss women better than you physically and mentally that have gotten awards and have physical records that many of their male companions have not beat?
Well, if the bitch is exceptional badass. You know, such a big exception, that it is worth telling a story about the character

Look at it in context:

>SJWs gaining a growing media presence and influence
>start demanding roles be given to the "underrepresented", some movies start reflecting this
>JJ Abrams and Disney acquire Star Wars, express a commitment to "diversity" and other shit in casting
>Kathleen Kennedy demands a strong female role
>we get Miss Sue in TFA, she will probably be the central lead of the next trilogy
>now Rogue One with a stronk wommin leading the unit

It's just overbearing and clearly correlative. It is under a takeover lol, they've made that clear. I wasn't even aware of these kinds of politics until it became a huge thing with Gawker media going under and then other large journalist outlets falling prey to the same shit but now I'm hyper aware of it and it bothers me.

Remember that the new age of identity politics weren't started by fedoras or neckbeards, this is the doing of people who wanted gender and race to become the fundamental aspect of your identity and existence. It's annoying. The bland stories don't help, I'm about done with Star Wars.
8 Movies so far, 2 female protagonists
>Your precious series isn't under some malicious takeover with an agenda.

>“[Disney is] really, really making a huge effort across the company to put more focus around casting women and putting women in positions of responsibility, with directing and various other positions inside, different lines of business in the company. It’s not just about casting female protagonists. It’s gotta be across the board throughout the industry.”
What is this perceived attack by SJWs?

Game of the year this year was Witcher 3 despite SJWs slamming the game.

Real artists and media creators don't pay attention to them. Most of the general public doesn't either. Most of my friends who were girls loved Gone Girl, even though that woman was vicious and taking advantage of the system that pities women.

I don't feel like this was SJW shoehorning either. Neither was the Boyega casting. They weren't trope emulations, they were okay-written characters.

It was one woman main character. Stop seeing conspiracies that aren't there.
So the issue you have is there seems to be forced diversity in star wars? A series that had diversity in it to begin with.

Seriously man all the sjw shit doesn't matter at all and really only exists on the internet. If you just stop giving a shit about it you'll have a much better life.
Why does this matter? They want more women involved in their company which is completely fine.
>making an entire line based on one line in the crawl

are they going to do this for all the films now?

Film is absolutely getting commandeered by them. As I mentioned prior, Kennedy lobbied hard for the Rey character. Part of the reason why she was so overly capable and they included some unnecessary shit. It's harmful to creative expression to inflect bias, and when it's affecting one of my favorite series I take is somewhat personally. I really wouldn't care if it was anything other than Star Wars.

And I think, one of the main reasons for Rey being a girl, is that otherwise the character would be too similar to Luke (/anakin)
Strong women always existed in Star Wars EU. Why can't we put it on the big screen?

Excluding Mulan and Brave's main character, Disney typecasts female characters into special women that don't need no man, but actually they do. a false strong protagonist.

Women make up over 51% of the world's population, yet until recently I'd say 7/10 main characters in anything are men. Since women make up a certain portion of the population, that portion wants to be entertained. If media is going to filter to the man, when women could be half of their fanbase, they are limiting themselves.

Are you telling me you never want to experience a character that is vastly different than you? See how they see their world?

I wonder what it's like to be this paranoid over a completely fictional movie set in space that won't affect your life beyond the two hours you'll spend watching it regardless of your petty complaints.

It actually does. I'm not going to go into it here but my friends had a terrible experience with feminists at my university this past semester. Hit home that this shit is actually starting to pervade society.
>taking something involving a movie you're not part of personally

Christ m8
You realise you're on /tv/ and not reddit, or tumblr, or whichever shithole you crawled out of, yes?

I've always enjoyed the universe and characters beyond the screen so it's a little more than the cheap momentary thrill I'm sure 90% of viewers went to TFA for
Hyped for this. Is there going to be Jedi's in this or at least some kind of force users?
Most we'll get is probably a Vader cameo, none of the rebels are going to be Jedi I think I heard.
It isn't commandeered by them. It was one goddamned character in a franchise that already has 6 films with males as the main character.

She was overly capable, but so was Anakin. I read the novelization which makes it plainly obvious through Kylo's interactions with her that she has a past she is unaware of. A la Revan.

There is no creative bias. You are seeing shit that isn't there.

Why shouldn't Kennedy want to get more women working on Star Wars?

I am female and a huge Star Wars fan. Obsessed over the EU novels, my favorite games are KOTOR. Am I less deserving than you as a fan to have a protagonist of my gender?

I was able to fall in love with Star Wars without a female lead, but since the universe within Star Wars is so diverse, it doesn't make sense to just follow male stories. Hell, to me it doesn't make sense to make the main characters solely human in this universe either.

Vader has been confirmed, aswell as Cgi Tarkin
you always say that
>It only exists on the internet
I wonder what it's like being so naive
I've had terrible experiences with all sorts of shitty people feminists included. None of them have affected my life in any way. You are not a man if you let sjws personally influence your life.

oh that sucks
And I've been raped, but I don't go around calling all men rapists or thinking there is some conspiracy they have against women.

You're parroting arguments extreme feminists make.

I'm not pretending manchild paranoia is any worse than SJW paranoia when it comes to movies. The protagonist being a white dude would've been no less of a conspiracy than it being a woman or a black guy or whatever. Anyone looking for some deeper meaning in the race or gender of a Star Wars character in an unreleased movie is a fucking idiot regardless of which side they're on.


EU's still there, regardless of what JJ and Kennedy says is canon or not. Ignore what you dislike, stick with what you do.

First trailer, got leaked months ago
>I'm a woman
>favorite games are KOTOR
How's the HRT treating you?
Great some guy can't take pictures of some shit happening on a college campus. Who gives a fuck?
So what, you are the biggest fan ever and a Wookieepedia article editor and that means one woman main character completely ruins your enjoyment of the series?

There are plenty of women that are "hardcore" Star Wars fans themselves and never make a peep about how men make up 90% or more of most stories in Star Wars.
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well I can tell you I'm gonna be smashing a SHIT TON of crab legs on this baby when this movie comes out. might even buy a new hammer
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>Mads Mikkelsen (Galen appears to be his name in the film) is kind of the key to the film in a way.

It was garbage. Pacing sucked. Characters sucked. Nobody went to see a Godzilla movie to see adventures of some fag soldier instead.

They are affecting society whether you realize it or not

the loudest shouters get their way


that's an individual crime of depravity, not exactly a concerted social movement
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It might be cool just because it'll be a slightly different take on a star wars film, but also it'll make Vader look even stronger because of the power gap
>I am female and...

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>implying Jar Jar isn't the key

How about the removal of due process and the degradation of the justice system


the removal of freedom of speech?


These aren't /pol/ clickbait, it's real life, this is the generation that will be shaping American society
Kyle Kataarn's contributions scrubbed from the SW universe for good: the flick.
Yes, women can like things like Witcher and KOTOR as well. I don't need to self insert myself in my media.

Canonically [pre Disney], The Exile was Meetra Surik, a woman. At least there is that.

Also Kreia was a fucking awesome woman character.

The only friend I can talk EU with is also a girl.

Most of my guy friends who say they are Star Wars fans scratch their heads when I mention Revan or Thrawn.

Fandom is not sex-specific.
People who give a fuck about freedom of speech, freedom of press and colleges not being ruled by lynchmobs.
Back the fuck off Felicity you faggot. She's a great actress and a bonafide goddess. I bet you're a fat neck beard basement dweller and a disgusting pedo that gets off to little boys eating carrots.

I actually am pretty good friends with a close friend of the guy who wrote the movie, and I have met the guy who wrote it.

He is actually based and I was surprised and pleased to hear he was doing it.

He pretty much was intrigued by the line about the Bothans (he's not an autist so he doesn't know about any EU/Wookiepedia bullshit about the Bothans) and decided to just expand that into a story.

It should be interesting.

I haven't seen TFA but I'd be interested in seeing Rouge One
>that's an individual crime of depravity, not exactly a concerted social movement
Neither is the persecution you seem to think prevades culture from SJWs. Depraved individuals are the ones crying for safe-spaces on campuses and think cultural appropriation is real. They aren't major, they aren't a majority.

Most of the time they don't even get their way, even if they yell louder.
and yet you are tying way too hard to fit in
And yet when I express interest in something perceived as masculine you claim I'm a tranny and imply I'm a poser.

Guess I can't win.
>implying Mads isn't playing Jar Jar
Depart for the proper website
Maybe Felicity Jones' character will actually end up being well written female character that girls can look up too. I'm cool with that. Rey was a trash shoehorned in character. I don't get the feeling that this will be the case in Rouge One. I hope I'm not wrong.

20 bucks says 1st trailer in May when Civil War drops.
Any word on Forest Whitakers role? Im hoping for an imperial officer. Not as crazy as his Idi Amin role, but a firm authoritarian.

see >>64558621

they also get curriculum rewritten and restructured to coalesce with their goals

among other things

they who command education
>Mikkelsen's character is a scientist who defects
>he's not an ace pilot/Red Baron-type character for the Empire
>he's not a competent, cunning and loyal imperial officer


The delusional is palpable. Show me where the Constitution has been amended? Oh wait that hasn't happened.

What do you do to fight back against the sjw horde besides posting on 4chan?
If you're not excited for a Boba Fett movie you're a goddamn cuck
What's with all this Star Wars movies pushing females for lead roles?
>part likely ro be given to Michael B Jordan

You're the cuck here buying into disneys shit.
It's 2016
Boba Fett was ruined by the prequels and dies like a bitch.

>Han Solo prequel movie
>how he meets Greedo
>how he gets into debt with Jaba
>kessel run
It's going to be painful

Well, they're already achieving censorship and kangaroo justice in colleges. As universities are the fundamental breeding ground of ideology and will shape every student who passes through it once they have achieved the characteristic demographic of the United States we will begin to see larger changes.

Look to California as a window to the future.

I don't know what I can do, vote for Trump?
males 5-40 will watch regardless
why not double your box office with a female lead?
They're trying to get gurls bucks.

Now that nerd culture is popular, even Staceys can pretend to like Star Wars.

last video for you. now fuck off
Isn't Boba Fett like an indian or some shit. Or a Mexican?

They're also trying to do away with SAT/ACT since males and asians do best on them

welcome to the anti-meritocracy
native kiwi. they should just get the guy who played jango to do the voice over for boba and have him never take off his helmet
>Michael B Jordan
Who? A basketball player?
I dont.
You just try tooo hard. You mention your gender and try to prove your credibility to everyone. You really want to be something special and it shows. Its not about winning just chill your cunt
that would be the best plan
Top kek m8 you'll never have children so why do you care? All standards for learning are shitty anyway. No child Left behind did more damage than good and it was put in place by a not sjw.
>If we cast somebody who isn't a white man in a film, we'll get a SJW 1984!

Holy shit, don't you know how retarded you sound?
>Your precious series isn't under some malicious takeover with an agenda

every time you sound this pompous most people tend to drop whatever the fuck you are saying.

And what about those of us who are not memeing and are actually going to have to send children to whatever is left of this shit in 10 years

we're looking at downfall-era Rome right now
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>Kreia fan
You sound pretty retarded yourself, friend.

>just cover your ears and eyes and ignore the clear symptoms of progressive agenda all around you

you aren't supposed to wait until a problem is major and past the point of no return before criticizing it
Why are those stormtroopers having a good time? Summer break?
>those stormtrooper corpses floating in the water
>that burnt out crashed ship
holy shit.
Home school early and teach your kid how to think for themselves.

It is not nearly as bad as you think it is.

And college?

Oh it is, I'm living the infant stages of it right now. You keep saying this but I probably have the most firsthand experience with this cabal right now.

This shit's been fairly rapid thanks to the internet's influence
No it hasn't and it won't. Stop making conjectures.
>Lel gb2 reddit cuck shill SJW
What a wonderful, well-constructed retort.
I do it because faggots like >>64559145
imply people like me are not "real fans" and we are simply pretending to enjoy certain media, so naturally I defend myself and give proof. But apparently I'm not allowed to.
No you dipshit, they want to do away with extreme amounts of standardized testing that are done within schools since Common Core [you have like 3 standardized tests a year that are the only things that matter. Teachers no longer teach, they teach the test]. They would still keep SAT and ACT.

They probably aren't going to have SAT scores be the thing that matters most for college entrance because it is stupid. You can learn the test and get a 33 on your ACT and still flunk out of college. They want someone who has good grades, took advanced courses, did extra-curricular volunteer work, and did well on a standardized test. If you took only the latter, you'll get a bunch of people who only learned the test. That can only get you to about sophomore level in university.

Because what I said is true?
If you taught them how to think for themselves they'll be fine. Hell tell them to go to trade school.

What's your first hand experience like?
Might get her daughter since she's already under contract.
More specifically, strong womyn leads defected empire
male fuckup to save the day

I bet they blow up another death star too
Also that second post you quoted was not me. Nice try though.
>Ep. VII came out in 2015 and is set 30 years after ROTJ
>Rogue One comes out this year and is set before Ep. IV
>Ep. VIII comes out next year
>Movie about Han Solo comes out in 2018 and is set before Rogue One

What a mess. How are casual movie-goers going to keep up with this?
this to be quite honest, familia. shaking my head (at you)
Its almost as if star wars is about people/aliens of all races and genders coming together to fight an oppressive regime.
Major releases in 2016 in film:

>Deadpool: male lead
>London Has Fallen: male lead
>Gods of Egypt: male lead
>Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: male lead
>Captain America: Civil War: male lead
>Independence Day: Resurgence: male lead
>Star Trek Beyond: male lead
>Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them : male lead
>Assassin's Creed: male lead

Looks pretty norm...

>Rogue One: female lead


You lie!

I hope its true. Sauce?
What's the point in watching this if you already know they succeed?
>I do it because faggots like >>64559145 (You)
>imply people like me are not "real fans"

You're a Stacey or you didn't get what I was saying?
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>spent a decade as a quartermaster in the army
>all I think of at that picture is all the equipment that will have to be replaced

pic unrelated
I don't know what you were trying to say, since men often emulate "I love nerdy things" too.
I may have missed a detail from the movie, but does the base have some kind of propulsion system to move the planet around? If their plan had worked out, it would have sucked up the sun, blown up not-Yavin-IV, and...then what? Is it capable of moving to other systems?

They want colleges to stop taking ACT/SAT as entrance measures. There is a correlation between ACT/SAT and academic/career success, it isn't a hard predictor but it's just another aspect of a resume that can help glean insight into a student's potential and also standardize across districts (as GPA measurements vary and can be subject to issues like rigor/difficulty disparities)

You can't "learn" the ACT/SAT, it's basically how fast you can comprehend material and return analysis. It's an IQ test lite but not fully so as it does require general knowledge.

Removing them from requirements only makes the process more subjective and hazy. What's going to take its place, a fucking essay?

My friends had an off campus party with a joking banner out front that had "daughter daycare" on it the first day of move in, obviously intended as humor

they got a barrage of facebook hate calling for their dicks to be cut off, their house vandalized and "fuck rape culture" spray painted all over the side, and two of them lost their jobs after these assholes spammed their work every day

This from the "oppressed" campus feminists

they also introduced mandatory "how to not be a rapist" material for incoming freshmen

That black helmet on the left is the design they're using for Shadow Troopers.
you are full of shit

the bothans died to get the intel for the second death star, the one from return of the jedi

this movie is about the stolen plans for the first death star, from a new hope
Who will play Vader?

He's in the Death Star when Rebel mooks stole the plans
Of course that happened. I would totally believe this without any proof.
What I meant by that was that the vast majority of SW fans (and nerdy stuff in general) were usually male until recently. Since the media pushed nerd culture as one of the new norms, a lot of new 'fans' joined in, including a lot of girls who used to gladly make fun of it before.
Basically the same shit that is happening with video games. That doesn't mean all gamers and all SW fans have always been exclusively male.
>You can't learn the ACT

Then how come in 6 months my score jumped up 9 points after taking a special course that had textbooks how to take the ACT?

>There is a correlation between SAT/ACT and academic/career success.
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Why is the Resistance separate from the Republic?

Is the New Order a recognized state? Is it conquering things or living in isolation like North Korea?

Why does the Republic allow it to exist?

Did the Republic only have one fleet?

Was that Coruscant that was destroyed?

Why did the Resistance only have snubfighters?

Who is Supreme Leader Snoke?

Are all those planets in the same system? How could they see that other planet get destroyed otherwise?

Why didn't the Resistance or Republic stop the New Order from building that Starkiller weapon? It's an entire planet, it's not like it can be hidden.

Vader is basically just a costume, anyone can play him as long as the voice over is good.

Who voices him in Star Wars Rebels? Do they use JEJ's voice still?
>What I meant by that was that the vast majority of SW fans (and nerdy stuff in general) were usually male until recently.
From what you know. Female social life is absolute hell. Until recently a woman couldn't feel comfortable in either men or women social circles when talking about "geeky" hobbies. Men would either assume she doesn't know her shit or beta orbit her. Other women outright laugh at her and shame her.

So yeah, there might not have been "as many" to your eyes because they simply hid their powerlevel.
>Oppenheimer helped design the atomic bomb only to say, “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

God, this writing is beyond any excuse.
Yeah, they used James Earl Jones.
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