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terrence malick is so autistic
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terrence malick is so autistic
kill me
Can't imagine what was going through Bale's mind filming this movie.
i hate footfags but god damn that is hot
So, is it settled then, is Terry the new king of /tv/?
wtf am I doing

Reminder this film was improvised. It was Portman's saucy idea.
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>Can't imagine what was going through Bale's mind filming this movie.

>During filming Terrence Malick would use a technique he called "torpedoing" where he would unexpectedly send people into the scene to get a reaction from the actors who were performing.

>terrence malick is so autistic
yeah, isnt it great?
Like in Southpaw, if you didn't now, the "sex scene at the beginning of the movie, when Rachel sucks Jake finger, he said she was improvising and he actually had a boner.
if he was actually autistic his movies wouldn't be so dull. he probably wishes he was.
Your new is showing

Pretty disgusting desu
this is fucking great

Jesus Christ
Whats wrong with her pinkie?
I haven't seen it yet but in most of the clips I've seen he has a sort of half smile on his face like what the fuck is happening. I quite like that.
Anyone have the video where the weird japanese guy asks how her toes tasted like?
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