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>Thank you What did he mean by this?
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lol i kidding, still evil.jpg
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>Thank you
What did he mean by this?
Why wasn't Han screaming in pain?
My guess would be because he had a massive fucking hole in his diaphragm.
pretty sure he said

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>will you help me?
Poetry. He meant let me KILL you.
>there is a war inside me
Poetry. The blue and red lights appeared on his face.
Thank you for not having your pet wookie shoot me in the dick, da-OH MY GOD WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT
He was tempted by the light side but this solidified his dark sidedness.
That's all there is to it.
Kylo has to kill Han to convince Snoke that he is full Sith, so that Kylo can get close enough to Snoke to deliver the killing blow
like in the Movie Hero with Jet Li pretty much, only Han seems to stupid to get it in that Moment
Call me crazy but I'm convinced Han is still alive.
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How come everyone's heard of Han but nobody's heard of Chewie?
>stabbed in the chest
>falls down a pit
>in a death star that exploded
naw man he's definitely still alive
han is just a normal guy

qui-gon jinn got killed the same way

Doesn't mean shit bro.
What does Peter Mayhew actually do in this movie? He clearly can't run, he can't even walk without a stick.
>last fight scene of Kylo vs Rey in episode IX
>Rey is about to deliver the final blow
>Kylo: STOP! Stop! It was just a prank!
>Han walks in, laughing "we got you good"
>Luke shows up too with a huge grin in his mouth, doing goofy Mark Hamill poses
>all stormtroopers enter the room, remove their helmets and start applauding in a circle around Rey and the others
>Snoke laughs behind them, only his feet visible
He was tempted by light, tried to solidify his darkness, ended up even weaker (according to script and book).
>credits is a goofy gag reel
Would you please expound on that? I haven't read the script or book. He's weaker now? I mean, I now he's a weak wannabe evil Sith punk, but I honestly thought that him killing Han made him fully give himself to the dark side.

Was I wrong?
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>Mark Hamil does his Joker laugh
>they sacrifice Jar-Jar on live television
>suddenly, explosions and the screen wavers
>an unknown character wakes up from their crazy dream
>Trask Ulgo runs in "Hurry up! The Endar Spire is under attack! Hurry! We don't have much time!"
Are there any movies that do this?
you are now aware that if lightsabers are powerful enough to instantly cut through a blast door, they would flash boil your body fluids and explode your entire torso out from the lightning fast expansion
he never seemed evil throughout the whole movie to me. he's probably shitting his pants even more after getting owned by rey.
>they all wave at the camera
Where was Jar Jar during the original trilogy?

>Trask Ulgo
>not having Chewie die in a blaze of glory running at Kylo
>not having Chewie rip off arms and heads in rage

Nice job JJ
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>the audience all starts clapping
>Bane walks into the cinema and shoots you
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>kylo didnt kill his dad
>hansolo did activate the lightsaber
cap this guys
>Trask Ulgo
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prequels were retconned
Han (unwillingly) helped him cut off his last ties to the light side, so he can focus on becoming as strong and powerful as DARTH VADER
written and directed by George Lucas
>he didn't play KOTOR
You better have grown up in some war-torn hellhole without electricity or running water, but where everyone still somehow had pristine unblemished skin.
He's your bunkmate here on the Endar Spire. You work opposite shifts, I guess that's why you haven't seen him before.
who cares meme lasers! XD
I haven't either
>Hand dies and Chewie doesn't die with him

seriously wtf, biggest crime ever Chewie will just be awkwardly around like a dead husk missing its other half in the sequels
Yes, sort of. I just watched a movie that ended like this one yesterday.
not that anon
couldn't get into it
returned it
The lightsaber is so hot it burns all the nerves and stops all bleeding immediately. It would cause such system shock to have something like that through your body, the burned nerve endings would radiate some pain for a bit, but not go into massive pain until later.
The holy mountain
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>implying Episode VIII won't be mostly about Chewie's mission for revenge
>A weapon to surpass Death Star
finally saw tfa

dam i cried like a fuckin bitch when that happened
Who here read both of these things in his voice? 'Cause I sure as fuck did.
How do we blow it up?
>He doesn't put his arms through the sleeves
What does it mean?
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"It's treason then."
What did he mean by this?

>>Trask Ulgo
Only the greatest hero the Republic has ever seen.
RIPIP I cry every tiem
never 5get
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Only hardcores go through Taris without leveling to maximize Jedi levels.
JJ stole this from the EU. Mara Jade was the first to surprise Luke Skywalker by utilizing the point of a lightsaber in a thrusting motion, something that had never occurred before and caused Skywalker to take note.
>Punished Chewbacca
>a Wookie denied his blood debt
Why doesn't Kylo realize that killing Luke would only make Vader hate him? Even when Vader was still on the dark side, he couldn't bring himself to actually kill his own son.
>JJ Abrams and George Lucas are both fighting each other drunkenly in the background
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He's not a bitch
We can crush the Resistance, Ren. And you can build the army that can do it.
Basically if you can't kill the light or the dark inside of you you'll just be filled with conflicting forces. And the stronger each one is the more violently you'll be pulled between them.

He thought that killing his father would do that, and he would no longer feel the draw of the light which would allow him to fully realize the power of the dark. That it was the connection to his past and family that was holding him to the light.

He then realizes after doing the deed that it didn't work. Instead he feels even more conflicted, meaning whatever light he has in him has nothing to do with his family to begin with.

He may not be weaker at the start of the next movie depending on what Snokes training has him go through or what he discovers about himself but during his fight with Rey he's much much weaker than how we see him at the beginning of the movie, even ignoring his injuries. It also doesn't help that all his confidence is further shaken by coming into contact with another force sensitive that was showing promise. The force is all about your attitude and mental state and just being a little bit off can be a huge handicap.
What was this guy's name, again?
Benedict "Kazuhira" Hux
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Benedict "The Traitor Deflator" Hux
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So Hux is Miller, 3PO is Snake, who is Ocelot?
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>and start applauding in a circle around Rey and the others
10/10 true masterpiece
Benedict "if it ain't human I'm shootin" Hux
Many thanks.
Benedict "No black race on Starkiller Base" Hux
Damn JJ sure is shit at conveying stuff, this shit was not in the movie at all.
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What was wrong with Sheev being a sith and chancellor , it's like someone kills Obama because he is the president and he is black
You get internet points for this response.
Who's Bastila?
Bastila's the commanding officer here on the Endar Spire. Well, not an officer, really, but she's the one in charge of this mission.
I love you baby.
Kylo Ren.
What makes you think he wants to kill him?
It's amazing how I can still recall the exact wording all these years later.
yeah, because that's the most impractical part of the lightsaber
Chewie. He's the only one in a canon gay marriage.
This would make a lot more sense if Chewie didn't shoot him in the gut and forced him to pump himself up by hitting his wound.
It's interesting, but I don't think it's too important. Emotional turmoil and getting shot by a bowcaster is enough to expect him to be off his game.

The movie lacks a lot of exposition, but I'm sure that's intentional. It risked being way too bogged down.
Now this is full on autism
Did you just fucking reply to yourself to say that
Oath or no oath, I'm heading to the escape pod.

A lightsaber and a supernova are insignificant next to the power of plot armor
Han represents the Star Wars franchise
Kylo ren represents the current tumblr/facebook Star Wars "fans/nerds"
that was the perfect time to have a wookie rip some arms off but they didnt do it ffs why live

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When I first watched it, I didn't understand.
Even now, I don't understand it.
I fear I never will
>Episode VIII credits
theres a South Park Episode that does this. Its the Emo one.
How'd you do that?
I didn't really do any extra reading to come up with that. That was my own interpretation from the movie and what I came away with walking out of the theater.

I honestly never had a single instant where I thought Ren losing his fight with Rey was bullshit it was totally laid out fine from where I was sitting. I still don't think she should have been able to mind trick that stormtrooper though that was a little much.

He doesn't want to fall to the light like Vader, who didn't kill his family at a crucial point, so he would of course stupidly think if I kill my family I won't fall to the light. It just demonstrates he doesn't really understand what the dark or light actually is.

The only real hard part about that is that no one really goes into any details about how light and dark work and what they actually mean in the grand scheme of things. They've always tried to keep things vague and mystical but it causes problems like this because we can't fully pin down Rens motivation for killing his dad without better understanding what that internal struggle means to the average person. I certainly can't connect emotionally to a guy who just stabbed his dad in the chest and now he's sad about it. If the prequels never occurred I would say it's fine keeping it vague but we have so much shit stacked up about how the force works in macro and micro they might as well just drop the veil and have Luke actually spell everything out in the next movie. It would be a really shit scene probably but I'd almost rather they just toss it in and get it done with.

If anything that might have made it even worse, he's trying to hurt himself and draw on the dark and fucking nothing is happening. He hits himself a lot and it really doesn't do much.
>It risked being way too bogged down.
I feel like it went too far, shit like the monster hijinx on Han's big ship, the poison gas (Stormtrooper helmets don't filter toxins, SERIOUSLY JARJAR?) Made it feel like they were trying too hard to avoid a slow bit.
Benedict "if they don't speak Common they're gettin' a bombin'" Hux
the force
Oh so you just pulled it out of your ass.
Fuck you m8.
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Kid, calm down. If you don't get the joke, just say nothing.
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So this is how Star Wars dies, with thunderous applause.
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I laughed
Youre an idiot tho
>The movie lacks a lot of exposition, but I'm sure that's intentional. It risked being way too bogged down.

Nice bait.

They didn't give the movie any exposition because they want you to watch the next one without being disappointed by the first. This was the safest movie ever made. It was basically and advertisement for episode VIII.

And them having Chewie shoot Kylo was a way to write themselves out of a plot hole. He needed to look weak in the most obvious way possible.

Nice shilling, though.
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>If anything that might have made it even worse, he's trying to hurt himself and draw on the dark and fucking nothing is happening. He hits himself a lot and it really doesn't do much.

How does this refute my point?

>I didn't really do any extra reading to come up with that. That was my own interpretation from the movie and what I came away with walking out of the theater.

I honestly never had a single instant where I thought Ren losing his fight with Rey was bullshit it was totally laid out fine from where I was sitting. I still don't think she should have been able to mind trick that stormtrooper though that was a little much.

He doesn't want to fall to the light like Vader, who didn't kill his family at a crucial point, so he would of course stupidly think if I kill my family I won't fall to the light. It just demonstrates he doesn't really understand what the dark or light actually is.

The only real hard part about that is that no one really goes into any details about how light and dark work and what they actually mean in the grand scheme of things. They've always tried to keep things vague and mystical but it causes problems like this because we can't fully pin down Rens motivation for killing his dad without better understanding what that internal struggle means to the average person. I certainly can't connect emotionally to a guy who just stabbed his dad in the chest and now he's sad about it. If the prequels never occurred I would say it's fine keeping it vague but we have so much shit stacked up about how the force works in macro and micro they might as well just drop the veil and have Luke actually spell everything out in the next movie. It would be a really shit scene probably but I'd almost rather they just toss it in and get it done with.

Oh, you're trolling...
Vader thrusts twice in ROTJ. EU is shit.
What did JJ tell Ford during filming this scene?

"Make a face like you just shit your pants at the retirement home and only the black nurse is on call"
Luke (and Darth Maul) also survived similar falls.
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..he doesn't want to be in any more Star Wars films..?
kek'd at trask ulgo

>Light and Dark struggle inside Ren
>If I kill my dad it will fix it
>It didn't work

I mean that's the basic framework we're presented with, sorry if you can't make that extrapolation yourself and need everything literally spelled out to you. What did you want Snoke to sit down and run a play by play while the fucking fight was happening? Did you need Yoda to narrate everyone's inner thoughts?

I mean jesus we already had this shit happen in VI.
He's out to kill all Jedi, isn't he?
What do you think Han thought getting stabbed by his own son?
Chewie is introducing Rey to
"Jar Jar was the key to all of this"
>I'm like three times this kid's age and I'm still sexier than he is.

Fund it.
>han's body unceremoniously dumped off the catwalk
>isn't mentioned again; everyone just gets over it and forgets about han
>leia hugs Miss Mary Sue instead of longtime pal chewbacca

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I won't scatter your plot points to this soulless script. I will always jew off of you. Recycle your plot in Episode 7. I won't see you end as the prequels. You're all blockbusters.
The story's not about Chewbacca.
>I could be starting Bane threads on /tv/
you usually don't immediately feel the pain. watch people videos of who have been shot and they usually are trying to run away or are wondering what the fuck is happening. also adrenaline.
Luke had one job.

How did he screw it up?
>OG trilogy
>Darth Vader and Luke's father mentioned to be different people
>Revealed to be the same person

>New trilogy
>Han Solo and Kylo's father mentioned to be the same person
>Revealed to be different people
>Han's real son returns in the last film to avenge his father's death
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I can't get the SQUACK SQUACK out of my mind

what the fuck were they thinking
DESU chewie should've died along with Han. It's weird having him around by himself. It'd be like if Sherlock died but Watson was still fumbling about.

So either chewie undramatically disappears from 8 and 9 because he's no longer 'needed' or he becomes a character who has overstayed his welcome and doesn't serve his purpose.

And my point wasn't just about chewie. It's just like no one gave a shit for more than the immediate 5 seconds after Han died. This is an issue with JJ's ADHD style of filmmaking where you can't have any time to breathe and always need to be escalating to the next big thing.
It's not Luke's fault he got stuck with Han and Leia's inbred emofaggot son. Nothing could help that loser.
Chewie needed to live so someone could come pick up Finn and Rey, though. I feel like the last scene should have been a funeral for Han, though, and they should have moved the shit with Luke to mid-credits or something.
Han literally became a new star.
>what the fuck were they thinking
Something along the lines of 'how do we make a finale since Anno's reduced our budget down to sixty bucks in Monopoly money and half a pack of twizzlers?'
Having Peter Mayhew or the original droid actors on set was mainly a ceremonial thing. Kenny Baker didn't even get in the fucking robot.
"I knew I should have shot him first when I had the chance"
This is what I thought of.
sat down I imagine
>Your son was weak and foolish, like his father, so I killed him.
>No. My son is alive.
Yeah, the pacing was shit.

And honestly, I didn't like them ending on a literal cliffhanger like that. Star wars movies have never done that. Even with stories that are obviously not wrapped up (example: empire) they would cut it at the point after they're back from their current adventure. They wouldn't have sped through the ending so that we can start the first 3 minutes of the NEXT adventure. It'd be like if Empire ended with C3PO and R2D2 walking into jabba's palace and then cut to black.

Seems like a carry over from JJ's TV show bullshit
>Rey = Shinji

Who would be the giant naked Rei and Kaworu?
the prometheus emperor guy
Nah, he'd be Keel Lorenz or Gendo.

The only people who have screamed in pain at being hit by a lightsaber are Luke, Vader, and Dindu.
Why didn't the Anakin's ghost show up to Kylo to tell him he's wrong about him as Darth Vader?
>goofy mark hamill poses

He's Chewie whenever Chewie sits down.

Kenny Baker is basically all but dead last I heard.
And the Mos Esley monster who lost an arm
he was finally free of this anvil

>And honestly, I didn't like them ending on a literal cliffhanger like that. Star wars movies have never done that.

What is Empire Strikes Back

>Seems like a carry over from JJ's TV show bullshit

kek, they're fucking episodes in an overarching story, anon. They always have been. The only movie in the series that works as a standalone is A New Hope.
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>Chewbacca becomes the Star Wars equivalent of Jack Bauer
>what is empire strikes back
Did you even read the rest of my post? I addressed this
i would like to see him stabbed through the chest with a really pointy anvil
Those were all hand cut offs though. having the saber go right through your spine would irl probably kill you instantly
nobody ever thought to thrust a lightsaber before? i see why the EU was thrown out
Qui Gon was impaled by Maul.
I don't know, on one hand I really wanted to see Luke before the end of the movie. Especially because at the very beginning we're sort of focused on finding him as our main goal I wanted that wrapped up at least. But on the other hand I think it would have been a bit better if they had ended it while they were on route to meeting him and we didn't actually see his face.

It's definitely very TV show but at the same time I feel that's sort of fitting considering the entire series is based on those types of stories.

Also it's important to remember that in the case of ANH they had to structure the movie in such a way that it could potentially stand on it's own if they couldn't do another film. And for the prequels they were doing timeskips so cliffhangers wouldn't really be effective.

Empire is the only movie they could have tastefully planned to use a cliffhanger and of course that's what they do.
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GOAT ending, right here:

>Kylo and Rey battle it out, it goes on as in the movie, except that FN lost a leg
>After Rey slashes Kylos face up, he gets up, screams "NOOOO", as some of the trees are ripped up by his sheer anger
>He looks at Rey and force chokes her and lifts her high in the air, without moving his arms
>Chewbacca from behind
>Rips both his arms clean off from his shoulders
>They escape, chewbacca carrying Finn like C3PO in Empire
>a bit later, as the planet is crumbling 4eel
>Hux looking for Kylo with two stormtroopers
>they see his helmet on the ground
>see him sitting up against a tree, force holding his offed arms looking at them.
>He is surprised, and kills both stormtroopers
>"mister snoke said you were to complete your training
>they get picked up and fly away
I wish Chewie had gone full wookie-rage mode and just started ripping the arms off of the nearby Stormtroopers.

>see him sitting up against a tree, force holding his offed arms looking at them.

I do like that.
Because he isn't dead.
thanks friend :)

t. Chris Hardwick
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