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What is /tv/'s opinion of animal-human hybrids in Hollywood?
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Thread replies: 14
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File: worst mara.jpg (241 KB, 1039x501) Image search: [Google]
worst mara.jpg
241 KB, 1039x501
What is /tv/'s opinion of animal-human hybrids in Hollywood?
This is a thinly veiled /pol/ thread isn't it?

>Not cast as King Louie in the new Jungle Book

File: rooney-mara__120211082753.jpg (251 KB, 801x1216) Image search: [Google]
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no its a thinly veiled roon roon thread
File: no money.jpg (260 KB, 1000x1500) Image search: [Google]
no money.jpg
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I don't really see it
File: ayy lmao.jpg (69 KB, 720x580) Image search: [Google]
ayy lmao.jpg
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I think it's more important to discuss how aliens are stealing roles from our actors
>that no ass despite wearing heels
>that unnatural lean forward to conventional it
>that transparent attempt
She ain't hot, dude.
Middle bottom is ayy^2
The Kate Mara visage is one of utter repugnance, isn't it? There is no fouler thing on Earth than worse siblings. The only thing more
offensive than her ape like appearance is it's abhorrently crass & entitled attitude with which it interacts with her more civilized sister.
Which one of these are shopped, which are real?
I think they're all real apart from the Maisie one - not sure she's ever looked THAT odd.
Lily Cole is cute as fuck
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Thread replies: 14
Thread images: 5

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