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Wait, why did they give Paulie a tribute? It was their money.
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Wait, why did they give Paulie a tribute? It was their money. Wouldn't it make more sense to not tell him about it?
Money goes up or you go down
And if he found out anyway?
play it off like it's no big deal. that's what I would do.
and thats why your ass was never a gangster. you would end up in a ditch desu senpai baka
You have to, it's a respect thing. The higher-ups have already put in their dues. They're the OGs. Haven't you ever seen a gangster documentary before?
Because if Paulie found out he'd have them all crippled at best. Being brought into a family and being given the mobility to even pull off the heist was thanks to the big guy.
this >>64335920

You work to earn for the guys above you, and to give them a cut out of respect and love/friendship.

Something as big as this Paulie would have found about, and if he didn't get a piece there would have been problems.

Also, in real life, the airport was more Gotti "territory", so they had to officially get permission to do this from them, and had to have a Gotti member come along, as well as take a small slice.

What seemed more odd was how Jimmy was seemingly getting away with murdering just about everyone involved. I guess none of them were made men or he wouldn't have done it.. maybe.. but nobody seemed to care.

Sure some of them couldn't maintain discipline but, still, damn.
sounds like communism to be perfectly honest with you my nigga
well that's why its a criminal organization.

the difference between that and just some greedy CEO in a multi-million dollar company is that the CEO just can't call for your murder if you don't earn... usually.
Jimmy was a good earner and did hits for the old guys in jail. He was valuable enough to them for them to look the other way.

Read the book it's based on "Wiseguy"...super informative.
Also, he paid Paulie because Paulie provided protection for him from the cops and other wiseguys.

The only reason Henry got busted was because Paulie said "no drugs" and Henry disobeyed..
But it's tax free, who could complain?
Movie Henry seems to have little in common with what I've read about real Henry Hill

The guy just seems like some hopeless junkie
Modern Henry is a burnout.

When he was young he was a lot better.
By 1980 the film version of Henry Hill seemed to have a lot in common with the real Henry Hill.

It takes a special kind of talent to come-off as a piece of shit, especially among murderers and thieves within his circle.
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