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Okay, cut the shit now. Why those cartel soldiers on the road
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Okay, cut the shit now.

Why those cartel soldiers on the road flashed their guns like bitches?
What the fuck were they waiting for, just looking at the stopped convoy?
Why they even let the CIA take the advantage?
Most important, why there were so few of them?

That shit was full Millennium Challenge 2002 mode.
>b-but muh KEWL OPRUTAAWRS! i feel so much like them when browsing /k!
>Why those cartel soldiers on the road flashed their guns like bitches?

>What the fuck were they waiting for, just looking at the stopped convoy?
Maybe they were waiting for cop to shoot first?

>Most important, why there were so few of them?
They probably didn't expect that much resistance.
It's not a great movie. Looks good, sounds good, excellent gun play and the acting is solid but the writing is nothing special and the movie feels incredibly empty.
Yeah but they were really cool operators though. I dont know what you were expecting it a decent action movie with decent acting.
Almost like you're watching a scripted TV show.
>It's not a great movie.
Hello reddit!
>Why those cartel soldiers on the road flashed their guns like bitches?

because mexican bangers are not known for prudence

>What the fuck were they waiting for, just looking at the stopped convoy?

Probably just keeping an eye on things

>Why they even let the CIA take the advantage?

Probably weren't expecting a firefight

>Most important, why there were so few of them?

Probably weren't expecting a gunfight
Traffic jam.

There were probably more men stuck further back. And the plan was likely to get as close to the convoy as possible, not behind/a few lanes away, for a more favorable engagement.

My guess is that they were waiting for the traffic to clear up so they could gather and surround the convoy. Before that could happen their cover was blown and they became deer in headlights.
t. Jose Hernandez
>Why those cartel soldiers on the road flashed their guns like bitches?
they were getting ready and goofed up
>What the fuck were they waiting for, just looking at the stopped convoy?
They didn't know which van had the target
>Why they even let the CIA take the advantage?
CIA always had the advantage
>Most important, why there were so few of them?
8 guys is usually enough to hit 1 guy
They orchestrated a roadblock, they even had a trained police officers on their side, the mission itself was too important to sent rookies to it.

>Maybe they were waiting for cop to shoot first?
Then what the fuck he waited for then?

>They probably didn't expect that much resistance.
They had the exact time and even their guy in the convoy, plus that was clearly not the first operation like that.

>Looks good, sounds good, excellent gun play and the acting is solid
That's true, but what feels like the main "operating" scene felt like it was written by somebody who wasnt exactly familiar with the thing. Or maybe they just cut the expenses with consultants.

>because mexican bangers are not known for prudence
Spoken like true Coach Expert.

>Probably just keeping an eye on things
What for?

>Probably weren't expecting a firefight
That's why they had their guns ready, yeah. And that crooked mexican cop didnt expect firefight either, thats why he tried to shoot the how was her name again. You clearly watched the movie with your ass instead of eyes, better go back to /k >truggir disupleen circlejerk.

>oh shit, i am already losing argument that's not even started!
>better post HELLO, REDDIT!, quick
>whew, gotta be careful, almost got fucked here
>let's send the cholos with the face tattoos
>they'll blend right in

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