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I live in Manchester near something called Media City (other
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I live in Manchester near something called Media City (other Brits will know). There also a university where most people working for the BBC in the North usually get their formal training.

I have a degree in English and I want to work for the BBC, but I don't know how to get myself in there. I don't even know what career paths are there other than writer, producer and technical staff (camera men, sound engineers, etc.) I would like to do something related to my degree even if I have to take an MA at that uni.

Any tips?
you could be our anon in the inside

i have no tips sorry, other than dont eat yellow snow.
Kidnap the president of BBC. Seems like the only logical solution.
>hi i want to work for the BBC, I think black people and women should make up 50% of television, also I am jewish
>Welcome aboard!
>I want to work for the BBC, but I don't know how to get myself in there

free internships on the bbc website, usually happens once a year. other than that you beg someone to take you on as a runner or you are literally 1 in a million and send them a great script
Why don't you try at another channel, or local TV?
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Did somebody say BBC?
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Kill yourself Mark
walk into their head office, assume the power position and loudly proclaim:

"BBC? I'm CIA."

They will be so impressed they will offer you a biscuit.
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What is your religion, sex, class and disability status?
All about who ya know senpai.
You know anyone who works there? No? Forget it.
You have also gone to the wrong Uni.
Oxbridge types with a certain geo-religious-political outlook get the best jobs there anyway.
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