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You are currently reading a thread in /tv/ - Television & Film

Thread replies: 22
Thread images: 4
You're pathetic. This is how you get dubs.
witness me
check these digits, mothafuckas
Gabagool gabadubs
You don't even know how to get dubs.

big get
You're all useless
you're pathetic. Dubs cumming.
that's me
Try these dubbycakes. Fair warning, they're addictive
File: lolxD.jpg (41 KB, 498x568) Image search: [Google]
41 KB, 498x568
Reddit please take your unfunny shitty memes back to your retarded shithole.

We used to have Sopranos threads filled with discussion and without those cringworthy reddit meme faces and spam.
> one off

nice work retardfd
i'm so glad /tv/ singles out this scene.
File: 0d6.png (595 KB, 600x597) Image search: [Google]
595 KB, 600x597
now this thread i can get into
God helped me get those dubs
Please Satan help me get dubs.
What a shame.
fucking hell lads
Thread replies: 22
Thread images: 4

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