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>we will never see another Master and Commander film It hurts.
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>we will never see another Master and Commander film

It hurts.

If it was made in todays time half the characters would be female and/or black, Jack would be played by Lena Dunham and the british would be in black naziesque uniforms
in the heart of the sea tried it and failed miserably
>not liking that movie
it was trash
it's one of those movies like shawshank redemption that should have received awarded praise.

at least it can't be ruined in a remake
It's a blessing in disguise. The fact that it didn't have any sequels and won't have any remakes means that Hollywood won't ruin its legacy to squeeze a few more shekels out of it like it does with all its franchises
A sequel with the cast over 10 years older or a reboot . . . to be honest I don't know which would be the lesser of two weevils!
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at least we'll always have the novels


all twenty of them
Gave my little bro this on DVD for Crimbo, along with Conan the Barbarian, Collateral, This Is Spinal Tap and True Romance.

Is that a good prezzie?
True and they are pretty damn good books. I still would have loved to see another film.
The books are so fucking based

Russell Crowe was GOAT casting for Jack

The fact that there will never be a sequel is a genuine tragedy
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It hurts to live.
More like a blessing. It's a hidden treasure only true patricians recognize.
Sure if you want him to browse reddit
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more like memer and commemer
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Paul Bettany was also fantastic as Stephen Maturin. They shared some great chemistry.
Crowe and Bettany made the film.

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>mfw currently reading through all the books for the first time and Maturin is ten times the badass I thought he was
Reminder that Hollom did nothing wrong
How the hell can you manage to play the violin when you most assuredly have hearing loss and tinnitus from standing in a room where multiple cannons are going off?
His death scene was very moving.
I don't know if either of those two spent much time around the cannons during their lives.
i got to get my hands on them books

How can you compose music when deaf?
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Are they any good? Easy to read?

Just got a Kindle and need to find some books to read, I eyed up the 'books to read before you die' and the vast majority of them seem to be aimed at women, mostly about women socialites in the 18th/19th century, etc. (Portrait of a Lady, etc.)

Military, (Hard) Science Fiction, and Historical seem to be the only books that interest me, and this certainly falls into the prior and the latter categories.
Jack practically grew up on ships, he didn't show up and become a Captain on his first day. Officers instructed the gunners on how and when to fire, and to do so they'd necessarily have to be by the guns. Since ships not only fired the guns in battle but also to train the crew he'd have to have endured hundreds or thousands of guns going off in close proximity.

By being a child prodigy that knew the ins and outs of it before going deaf. Jack's not intelligent in non-naval matters, which is why he and Maturin complements each-other so well.
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If you like this check out the Sharpe series as well as the books.
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I guess it's for the best,
you can't top perfection.

are there other similar films or series about the British Navy/Napoleonic wars out there?
You really do. I've got an e-reader so I just download the suckers off of IRC. It's not like Patrick O'Brian is alive to get any royalties from me buying them.

>Are they any good? Easy to read?

They're good, but "easy to read" depends on how much you know about ships and/or how much you're willing to look up. He really didn't baby the reader, expecting you to know or look up how a ship works except in the few early instances where Jack explains to Aubrey how a ship works. Characters will mention parts of the ship and rigging, or how the ship is manoeuvring, without any attempt to explain it for landlubbers, and some of the things I've even had a hard time looking up because they were dialectal words for some piece in the rigging and things like that, so they didn't show up in my e-readers in-built dictionary. Maturin also speaks in latin occasionally when discussing medical matters or trying to talk in a covert way on a ship where everyone can hear you etc, with no explanations given as to its importance. The writing-style itself I've had absolutely no problems with, and I'm not even a native English-speaker.

All in all, definitely give them a go.
I don't understand this movie.
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Sharpe series and the Hornblower series.
Don't forget Hornblower. That's the proper Sharpe-on-the-Sea as far as tone goes, I think.
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She could blow my horn, if you know what I mean ;)

Perform oral fellatio on me, family
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Master and Commander starting in 5 minutes.
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Why not?
people who like the Master and Commander film adaptation have never read the books

fuicking kill yourself faggit

n.b. I read many of the books on a cruise ship travelling around the Mediterranean, including many locales mentioned by O'Brian himself.

fucking kill yourself already
get in here you mother fuckers

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>n.b. I read many of the books on a cruise ship travelling around the Mediterranean, including many locales mentioned by O'Brian himself.

It'd be physically impossible for you to sound any more like a fag.
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Well la de da.
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Why are they fighting the Americans?

What is the historical context? I came in late. Good quality tho
Have they made a film about Nelson?

this thread got me really fast...
dat ass
Does he lose hand?
>he brags about reading them on a fucking cruise ship as though that gave him special insight.
Easy there, ya old salt.
My broad[sides can only handle so many keks.
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>mfw Netflix started using pictures from the movies as backgrounds or whatever and they chose a picture spoiling the amputation
loses his arm bruv
/thread in first post
FINAL BATTLE get in here lads. All hands on dick.
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Gladiator is next

Crowe all night I dont give a fuck
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With all the money siphoned to make a couple of capeshit and Transformer like movies a year, we will never get a quality, well made historical epics.
okay my original post was worth this response

but my point still stands-- the film adaptation is weak. It replaced Jack's original motivations (profit and duty) with the Hollywood kike motivation (patriotism mixed with regret for risking the lives of his men).

Let's s ing together anons
conan the barbarian is approved
>implying duty and patriotism wasn't intrinsically linked
>Le just follow orders XD
>Le don't question authority XD
why are you mad?
I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't get lashed to hell and back if stuck on a ship with asshole officers. I'd follow an officer like Jack Aubrey, though. Beats the hell out of starving to death in a ditch back in England or dying in some field in France or Spain.
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