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Do liberals actually think this movie is good?
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Do liberals actually think this movie is good?
File: movie_41670.jpg (37 KB, 310x443) Image search: [Google]
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I thought this was the Big Short.
starring Brad Pitt as Young George Lucas
>bf worked at sec in 2007
>points out all the mistakes

Not that many actually
I'm a liberal and there's no way I'm watching this movie.

So, not everyone fits into your easy compartments.
I'll see it just for the actors
But as someone who actually works in banking my blood is probably gonna be boiling the whole time
Jesus fucking christ what the fuck is that
Not sure I like Steve Carell thinking he's a super dynamic method actor
>muh regulations are stifling capitalism
Which were
I thought it was pretty good. Then again I don't know much about economics. It wasn't a documentary though, so I personally don't find inaccuracies that big of an issue.

Minor thing about cdos, a couple other details about tiny shit.
someone pls edit this to say THE BIG GUY
You can't make your own boring, outdated memes?
would be pointless without editing all the arrows also
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yeah, add the plane gang into them and change the credits as well
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He's calling it in.
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