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>kylo takes off his mask >whole theater bursts out laughing
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>kylo takes off his mask
>whole theater bursts out laughing


Why do people keep making fun of his looks. He's perfectly fine looking.
he reminds me of marylin manson a bit.

i also think his choise is genius and by the end of the new trilogy everybody will love him.
just fucc my boi up
>whole theater bursts out laughing

I can't think of anything more obnoxious than being loud in a theatre
He looks like Harry Potter villain.
Cause they jelly
nobody laughed when I saw it

But I think the joke is the realization that he literally only wears the mask to look scary
>>kylo takes off his mask
>>whole theater bursts out laughing

I've now seen this movie in 3 different theaters and not once did a single person laugh at Kylo's face. Stop trying to force your shit meme it wont catch on, it was good casting for an angsty edgelord
>I've now seen this movie in 3 different theaters

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fuckin happened here too, took me out the movie for a bit. dude looks fine
Teenage Snape Killed Space Dumbledore
In the UK I've never seen a film where people have been obnoxiously loud, or even made a huge reaction (excluding comedies/slashers). I was worried about seeing Star Wars, but even on the first day in a packed theatre there wasn't much of a reaction as people make out in these threads.

Must be a US thing.
looks like an edgy teen who gets bullied at school
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kylo is fucking beautiful
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i am being serious
why DID he wear the mask?
You want to know why?

Because they literally out Adam Driver in a black suit. They didn't even to give his character a 'look' other than to look like Adam fucking Driver.

Give him a fucking haircut or something.
The kylo laugh thing is a meme. I've seen it a couple times in theaters and there is no real reaction when he takes off the mask but it's extremely painful
He wore a mask and got it to change his voice because he really wanted to be vader
People giggled when he took off the mask. They didn't burst out into laughter, but several people giggled.
>moody kike upset with daddy and mommy
>not laughing at this faggot
And i thought Kylo would be cool at the beginning of this
thats the point dumbass
nigga don't even look like adam driver in the movie
Literally because he wanted to look threatening
No other reason. He just wanted people to be scared of him.
Why would you ever go see a film in a room full of other people? I went to see fucking Gravity and the women sitting infront of me were laughing the whole film.
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>some kid points at me and calls me kylo walking out of the theater
Are you just starting to figure out what actors are or something?
Why does he rest his helmet in kitty litter? Or is that supposed to be Vader's ashes.
Why did he put his mask in the litterbox? What did JJ mean by this?
So is this meme the new "singles policy"?
Someone did that to me too, but it makes sense because I'm Adam Driver.
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i half expected him to yell out "it not phase its who I am!" when Han confronted him.
He's perfectly fine looking, people probably expected someone older with a fucked up face like Darth Vader and not a regular looking boy.
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>see TFA with oneitis female friend
>previously said I look like Adam Driver which I tried to take as a compliment
>Kylo Ren takes his mask off
>whole cinema erupts in a chuckle
>look to my right at her
>her face is shriveled up like a prune trying her damnedest to hold in her laughter
Kill me.
seen it twice, no one laughed

but i imagine some people probably did because they expected some really menacing, fucked up face to be under the mask, and well its actually just some 20 something edgy looking guy

love him btw, great actor and he pretty much stole every scene he was in
When went opening night people clapped in the beginning credits, they cheered to the shot of the 3 tie fighters with the sun behind it (which I douns weird lol), the whole theatre went silent when Han died, and my theatre laughed at the stromtrooper that drops the gun at the last minute, they laughed at the part when BB 8 helps Finn lie to Rey and they laughed when the stromtroopers went the opposite way after seeing Kylo Ren destroy that room, also everyone laughed when Fin explained that he was gonna get into the battle station "using the force" and which Han says "thats not how this works kid..." so they laughed at appropiate times
They should have shaved his hair or something.
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>Kylo takes his mask off
>Nigger sitting two seats away says:
>"Eugh nigga put it back on"
>Entire audience starts laughing
>I'm sitting there wishing they would shut up because I can't hear the dialogue

Same nigger shuffled past me at a snail's pace during the opening text crawl, I motioned for him to move faster and he gave me a shitty look when we left the theater, nothing happened though
Thread music
he's pretty ugly hot tho. The scene is built to be a bit silly. u still got a chance
We're not supposed to take him seriously that was the point of his character
The fuck are you talking about. Look at how some characters have a scar, or a certain haircut or something that adds to their character.

But Kylo Ren? No. Kylo Ren just looks like Adam Driver in a black suit.
This. Seeing videos of people clapping and shit during the movie is pretty fucking stupid. I watched something yesterday where this American fella was turning off his phone just before the opening crawl in Star Wars and the entire theatre growled "Turn off the flash, asshole!".
>Speaking during a film
>Seeking attention and laughs during a cinema viewing

Is this an American thing?
He's not even ugly
its a black male thing
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Because he gave a Galactic Blue Steel.
what about an adult woman doing cutesy impressions of BB-8 every time he appears on screen? That was more annoying to me than any amount of crying babies or loud chatterers
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Got to the end of the movie in my place and one person tried to get a slow clap going at the end.

One lonely sperg with her Mum in the back of the cinema wearing a Star Wars hoodie.
She lasted for about 5 seconds before the embarressment became too much.

It was the beginning of a fucking spaghetti green text.
All I've heard is a few girls saying ewwwww
People clapped after Rises. TDK I can understand because Heath Ledger died and was actually good in it, but fucking Rises?
he's so qt
>ugly hot
Basically the best explanation of Kylo
She does think you look good, but she isn't particularly interested in you. You might get to fuck her if you're lucky. Don't count on a real relationship.
Hopefully you got his height because that is at least half of his appeal.
Some redditor was complaining about people not making noises in his theater. For some faggots, a movie is a social experience. Losers, most likely.
You niggas are lying. I went to see this shit on opening day in a packed theater of faggots dressed up who clapped and said "yeah" and shit like that the whole movie and I didn't hear a single laugh when he took his mask off
People clapped at the end of Superman Returns when I saw it, but that's understandable because it was the first superman movie in a long time and he's an icon.
If he stops making "getting laid" his prime directive like a 16 year old he'd do way better, and she'd notice too
because he doesn't look threatening at all, more like an angsty teenager that wanted to rebel. It also made me wonder what kind of amazing hairdresser the First Order must have
because he looks like such a dweeb
like someone who writes star wars fanfiction
I don't understand why people still don't get that this is probably the fucking point. He's a weak, emotional, immature little fuck and his appearance reflects that. I think it's pretty ballsy that they even considered casting him

>Must be a US thing.

Here in Russia everyone laughed when he took his mask too. I've seen a German and a Mexican posting about the same thing. Definitely not a US-only thing.
Maybe they were clapping because it finally ended.
I think everyone went into the movie expecting Vader 2.0 (I did) so it was kind of jarring and possibly disappointing

He's interesting though and I'll probably enjoy him more the second time I watch TFA
I was approached by some girl that I looked just like this guy. Was it an insult? I'm not good with girls.
Yeah I can get that, I mean it does make it easier to hate him, which could provide for some good character developtment over the next movies; does he finally turn to the light side or does he become an even badder evil guy? I guess people feel disappointed because we were expecting a Darth Vader of sorts, who is just a plain badass bad guy. Here we have evil with training wheels, looking at him and Rey/Finn makes it look like you're watching a preschool, but then again leaves room for the next movies to actually develop their stories.
Reddit: the thread

In the real world it's still ok to say someone is ugly without damaging his special safe space

Fuck off
underrated pic. even more so if oc.
i bet he actually browses /tv/ he feels like that type of guy.
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In Sweden they laughed, which is weird considering sweden. They clapped too. I think it's the emotionally charged scene but im no psychologist.

I initially felt the same way because I just assumed he was supposed to be a badass Vader.

It wasn't until later that I realized he was supposed to be prequel-era Anakin, except written well.
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