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>IT'S NOT A PHASE MOM edgelord villain >no motivation
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>IT'S NOT A PHASE MOM edgelord villain
>no motivation given for why he's sooooo mad except "i shouldn't have sent him away"
>gets beaten by an untrained scavenger who has never held a sword, despite training with Luke Skywalker
>smashes things when he's mad with ultimate edge

how fucking lame was this dude seriously

He was fucking pathetic. No idea why /tv/ likes him, maybe because he is them.
I agree, why wasn't he a perfect military strategist pro wrestler who fucked six bitches a day?

What a terribly well-rendered character.
I refuse to believe that Han Solo was such a bad father that the only way kylo ren could overcome his angst is to run him through with a sword

Yes, there's nothing in between a whiny bitch and what you said. This is a comprehensive, well thought out post that shows how smart you are and what you can contribute here.
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Stop dissing my husbando, /tv/
Why would you expect anything better from someone who's defending a commercially driven rehash of a child's space movie?
He wasn't just a whiny bitch though. He was still powerful enough. You got the best of both worlds. What would you have preferred?
notice that he never uses his helmet after the climax? thats some character growth right there. He went further than vader did in the OT by killing a family member and he in that moment became his own character, not just a fanboy. "i will finish what you started" becomes true and kylo goes full darkside
Oy vey

>untrained scavenger

Did you even watch the movie? Do you know how Skywalkers work?
beaten literally by a scavenger with NO training and sustains multiple hits by a nigger
How can you judge him as he is now without knowing his past? Maybe he was playing cards with another jedi and the jedi cheated and Kylo lost his shit.
>no training
objectively false

he literally got shot with a laser crossbow that was previously shown to send people flying 20 feet
I liked him BECAUSE of his flaws.

The outbursts of autism and anger seemed like someone who would be seduced by the Dark Side. Like he literally can't handle his shit.

It is a bit absurd that in the opening, he stops a fucking blaster shot in mid air and KEEPS it there without even paying attention, but later on he starts jobbing hard.
He got shot by that crossbow and had yet to complete his training
hi you're a retard who can't read try again

"scavenger with no training"

read this over and over to yourself and think about it who it may apply to
I wish they had put a kiss in the interrogation scene and then later they find out they're cousins hahaha
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I actually thought he was pretty good because he's an autist

They can never top darth vader, so they decided to do something more interesting than "generic spookyman"
It must be tough being as autistic as you

Rey wasn't untrained

People don't seem to grasp the potential of watching his character develop into a sith lord over the course of the saga
keep sucking disney's dick. the movie's protagonist was a mary sue who underwent no progression and the antagonist was more cringeworthy than he was sinister
and yet it's confirmed that he won't be in episode 8 because of the negative reaction to him
Should of hid that pussy face behind the mask for 100% of the movie 2bh
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>Untrained scavenger

Do people seem to forget she was quite adept with that staff and Darth Columbine was badly wounded.

>yfw she gets a blue double bladed lightsaber in VIII
source? looked it up and there's nothing that says anything like that.
>yfw something
Nothing wrong with fucking a cousin, cousin fucking is legal in most countries.

Rey is not untrained you nigger, she carried around a combat staff.
He's literally /pol/ incarnate.

ruined it more than the shoehorn strong womyn and retarded story desu
haha no that will be the mary sue rey who goes sith

this ugly fuck will be the new hero by the end of the series
most dark siders would actually be dweebs like this with daddy issues

not completel psycopath master minds like palpatine or savants like anakin
confirmed by some anon post on 4chan and literally nobody else.
I thought that was intentional. I mean, right from the time the producers introduced the character, we knew he was a Vader fanboy. It's not a huge step to reveal that he was a total manchild after that.
Shit, really? But I liked him despite him being so goofy.
Kylo Ren is an excitable boy.

What do you guys think Ben Solo was like in his teen years?
I think he made tfw no gf posts on 4chan every day. He looks like this type.

>Darth Columbine

Yes but they wod fail as hard as this character and no one would give a shit.
Except this character is vaders grandson, so he gets a story arc. A really emo and retarded story arc about him failing
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