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Was he autistic?
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Was he autistic?
He has the Marvel movie villain disease where you are built up the whole movie only to turn into a little whining bitch that is easily defeated after a few snarky quips.
I walked out of the theater when he started hitting himself
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he was literally loki from the first avengers movie
Jesus christ...that's what he looks like? Not too much a of a star wars fan so I may just skip out on going to the theaters for this. Just end up pirating it in a couple months. Last movie I seen in theaters was Mad Max.
It's actually pretty good. Kylo Ren's brat status actually made him interesting.
a glib facsimile
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no you didn't.
Why didn't they give him some cool scars or something? We still have no idea why he wears the mask
Have you even watched the film, asshole?
Because he is a Vader fanboy. Also - after Rey fucked his shit up he has some facial scars
why was his helmet so heavy

People like you are the reason why movies use their limited time to explain everything.

Dude was insecure af about himself and various people pointed that out. It's easier to hide that behind a mask.
lot of metal for a sized nose!

yes, still baneposting here.
Did you see his face? I'd wear a mask even under the shower if I looked like that.
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He was smug

Brand new OC hot off the presses btw
>inb4 being an insolent whiny bitch is good
Why are people so desperate to like this movie? Why are they uncomfortable saying it was just a disappointing cash grab?

>Kylo-senpai tantrums :3

>Storm troopers walk away

Top kek
Why did he take off the mask then?
I loved him during his REEEE phases
when he was just fucking destroying everything around, because he couldn't handle how things were going
no, it seems like he fit in in his organization, didn't have problem speaking to others, he was physically coordinated. He is just under the control of the dark side

So people would stop caring who he was.
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bunch of fucking niggers with your spoilers. i hope you're happy though, i guess.

>on 4chan

>angry at spoilers

Are you fucking autistic?
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Probably. That and his nu-metal antics are why he started fapping to Darth Vader and the Sith.
That scene pissed me off in the theater, so I dunno why I'm laughing myself sick to this rare Pepe.
Is there a reason they didn't get someone who actually looks intimidating and not like a bullied Jewish nerd?
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The cunts are the people posting it in non star wars threads not on /tv/, but if you come here you should expect to be spoilered. Obviously.
Camrip somewhere? maybe in Russian? no english is nice.

he's fugly
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>Tfw MY meme has caught on
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If you're on any part of 4chan on the release date of a hyped movie, you can only blame yourself for getting spoiled, you dumb fuck.
two women in the row behind me started giggling both times he took his mask off what does that mean
you literally could have just waited 10 more minutes until the movie was over.
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My God, Luke knew all along
He looked pretty cute though
Id fuck him

Man, when is Kung-Pow going to get its own gritty remake. C'mon James Franco, make it happen.
I don't get it really.
First he mind-reads people with the force, which iirc no other character in the movies or the EU does, ever; + he stops that blaster bolt mid-air (WTF?). So 1st I thought he was super strong.

But then in the rest of the movie he was weak as shit, and he had no self control or guts. 2 times he loses his temper, and OK a Sith or Darkside user will do that, but then he's too much of a bitch to choke some stormtroopers, and just takes it out on the equipment instead.

I kinda enjoyed how whiny and bad at being evil he was. I would rate him as 0.01 Mauls.
>which no other character does
Have you even watched the other movies?
>Stops blaster bolt
Did you fucking forget what his whole backstory is?
He's struggling with light and the dark
They had perfect imagery when that was happening, the sun being sucked by the blaster thing and then descending into darkness (kylo)
rey fucked his shit up at the end
expect facial scars for VIII
Tell me one other character in the movies that mind-reads. Movie and scene. Not the jedi mind trick, but actually read someone's mind.
Also I didn't say no one else stops a blaster bolt, but what they usually did was deflect it or force-push it away. actually stopping it while keeping its momentum to be released later was a display of great power.
Vader in VI?
Not him, but my personal interpretation was just that Kylo was using the force to torture Poe/Rey, not necessarily reading their minds. My thought was that they just cut away in Poe's instance before he verbally surrendered the info and in Rey's case she was able to repel his excruciations with the force. I dunno.
>Tell me one other character in the movies that mind-reads

episode 6 when vader and luke are dueling while sheev is watching
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Most autistic TV character, coming through.
Yes. Did you not bother to watch the movie or are you really this dumb?
No you didn't lol
man, Hamill's looks really improved with that weight loss.
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>great difficulties beating Rey in a light saber battle
>zook "time for him to finish his training"

lmao, did this deviantart emo kid even had any training
"your feelings betray you ... yessss ... sister ..."

watch the movies before you act like an internet tough guy, k?

back to reddit
>the sith lord looks like your college roomate
well that was anticlimatic.

at least get a haircut.
he was a good friend
episode 3 was better
Anyone noticed that in the torture scene, he put his helmet on a pile of grey dust, or ashes? Maybe he managed to loot Vaders ashes too?
>with mask
A Darth Vader knockoff but still somewhat cool and intimidating
>without mask
A teenager with bad skin who constantly looks like he's abut to cry.

I'd wear the mask too.
You're such an idiot. Snoke saying he needs to finish his training is Kylo about to go under a complete metamorphosis to the Dark Side.

Basically because he killed his dad, and that he got his ass kicked. Snoke is now ready for him to be his actual apprentice.
>A teenager with bad skin who constantly looks like he's abut to cry.

so anakin in the prequels? cmon son
>you stabbed an unarmed elderly man
>and got your ass kicked by a small woman
>now you are truly ready, my apprentice

standards aren't really high for Sith training these days are they?
the mask is probably inspired by Vader, who he obviously admires.
He's the boyfriend of Lena Dunham on the HBO show GIRLS
Man when you think about the comparison to him and vader this pleb is like a spoiled rich kid.

>fatherless, grew up very poor and was enslaved by a fugly alien
>forced to leave his mother who was also a slave because he's convinced by qui gon that he's the chosen one
>returns 10 years later to rescue his mom, finds out she's been kidnapped
>finds his mom tortured and beaten barely hanging on to life. Dies in his arms
>Loses an arm, his anger and pain is leading him to the dark side
>brainshed by Palpatine to join the dark side because his fear of padme's death via his premonitions as she gives birth
>Kills Samuel jackson and becomes full fledge member of the sith
>gets dismembered
>wife dies giving birth to his kid

On the other hand
>Loved by both his mother and father
>sent away to uncles to receive special training for his gifts
>Resents his father for sending him off to get stronger
>Kills his father because edgelord faggot.
The problem I think is that JJ Abrahams must have been trying to make a reference to mass shooting issues.
You know the whole banality of evil thing since Eichman trial, "your neighbor could be a killer", evil in sheep clothings and all that shit.
Did he die?
Why wasn't this scene in the movie?
i see the funy joke but its more by killing his dad that his journey to the dark side is complete, like when anakaianen killed mace dindu. now snoke teach him to shoot lightning and cackle loudly
Underrated post right here.

Or maybe /tv/ has just ruined my sense of humor.
spoil it to me, does he die? how?
I'd wear a mask if I was a lanky jew too.
impudent pupils need to take one on the chops before they are really ready to listen.

everyone is saying how retarded it is that Rey beats Kylo, but Rey didn't beat him. he lost to his own arrogance.
He's not a sith lord you fucking sperg
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Why does nobody draw attention to how heavy the mask was. Any time he takes it off there's a shot of him dropping it and the camera shows it slams hard into the ground.

It's probably weighted and uncomfortable to 'train' him, in addition to fulfilling his fetish for being Vader 2.0.

Guy probably pulls out a whip when in private and flagellates himself caus his master said to.
>If I wouldn't be friends with them in real life, they're a bad character
Yes. Just like in real life
Is that Edward Scissorhands?
I thought he was cool until he took off his mask.
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