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does tv still care about tony 'sjw' zhou? https:/
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does tv still care about tony 'sjw' zhou?

yes, everyone on /tv/ likes comments and subscribes because it's the only decent video-essay channel on youtube about filmmaking.

I can't imagine anyone who takes filmmaking seriously not being familiar with some kind of baseline critical theory, and with film in particular this means criticism about visual imagery, performance, advertisement, in the vein of Debord, Barthes, Mulvey, Butler, Copjec, whatever. The overhead is at least some understanding of feminism. Once such a person has read, say, a single book I would suppose the whole sjw boogeyman isn't really frightening anymore.
Why is he an sjw
I think his videos are kinda shit but I watch them anyway
Chriswell is more better desu
>caring about tony 'le quadrant' zhou

I don't think anybody is
oh god what did he say?

His videos are well done, probably the best short form film theory series on youtube.
Every now and then he'll post something on his twitter and I believe he even said something like if you have a problem with Anita, you should just unfollow him.
Does anyone subscribe to similar channels like his?
I will never understand her cult.
she just isnt a good critic. She's inconsistent, misleading, hypocritical, and has no real goal or message other than "it's hard being a fictional woman".
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