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will he fucked it up too?
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File: Rian Johnson.jpg (31 KB, 448x252) Image search: [Google]
Rian Johnson.jpg
31 KB, 448x252
will he fucked it up too?
the chance of him having anywhere near to complete control is zero. I still don't really believe that J J Abrams thought a lot of the ideas in TFA were good ones, even if he is a hack.
>yfw based George directs ep. IX
At least the action will be crisp and clean with none of that shaky cam shit.
They have to let him have some involvement at some point, right? It's not like they won't have any movies to give him, they'll be shitting them out yearly.

He's an old man, they've got to give him another one before he croaks.
It's already dead jim
File: Colin-Trevorrow.jpg (62 KB, 395x594) Image search: [Google]
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no, but he is
he's specifically said he will have no future involvement and doesn't want any.
File: Brad-Bird.jpg (33 KB, 306x431) Image search: [Google]
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i'm still mad he doesn't get involved at all and instead turned it down for Lindelof-penned script for theme park-based movie

oh well, at least there's Incredibles 2
JJ will be producing it.
So yes.
>You don't want my ideas? F-fine! I don't even want to be involved, and don't think about asking me to help you with any of your movies!
I wanted to see a Star Wars movie directed by Josh Trank.
he's such a fucking empire fanboy that I won't be at all surprised of he just rips off empire's structure the way tfa rips off anh
Imagine if Josh Trank had held it together just enough on F4 to then go on to self-demolition on a Star Wars movie.
No one expected much from F4 or paid attention, but under a Star Wars spotlight? It would be glorious Dammerung.
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