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Why were the late 90's and early 2000's such an innocent time?
Because rape wasn't a thing back then.
Honestly because crime was down, the economy had been growing for 2 decades, the west didn't have any international enemies , and the growth in technology and media had been astronomical
Now only one of those things is true
every new gen of highschooler has to out-edge the previous
unironically teared up at that
pre 9-11 mate

No smartphones and social media to fuck everything up
back then being liberal was edgy and cool instead of the establishment

sjws didn't exist except off college campuses and had no impact in the real world

Europe was still European

No wars

No 9/11

GOAT music being made

GOAT films being made

everything was so comfy and cloudy. I associate the late 90's with Mission Hill, rainy nights, and the mighty mighty bosstones
IDK. Maybe social media has just given more and more people a voice. SJW idiots and easily-offended crybabys. These ''tolerant and progessive'' cry-babys are the biggest bullies. They'll blackmail you if you don't dare cancel what you're doing just because it hurts their feelings. Unfortunately, CalArts faggots have ruined children's animation. EVERY show on CN has that same art-style and humor.
''Wow, this day was total buttz! Wanna swing by the diner and get some rainbow ice-cream, bro?''
''HAHA, boop!''
Most of these CalArts are progressive liberal faggots forcing their political bullshit in these shows. Everything is just politically charged now. We can't have a good children's sitcom. We'll never have another Ed Edd n Eddy or Courage. Something unique and something that stands on it's own. Steven Universe is the most cringe-worthy inducing cartoon I have ever seen. The acting and the writing is so fucking awful. At least shows like Breadwinners don't take themselves seriously. The creators know it's fucking bad. They don't delude themselves thinking they're involved in the making of a masterpiece or a show kids can look back on when they're older and still enjoy. I'm not a nostalgia fag entirely. I enjoyed We Bare Bears even if it's got some Tumblr or 'hipster' pandering to it, it's easy to ignore. Harvey Beaks is decent and really comfy, it actually feels like a cartoon that doesn't pander.
But yeah, social media has just given college kids and young adults a voice. If they're mad, they can go on twitter and start a hashtag. They can call them up. Can email a company to fire someone because of a joke. ANYBODY who's offended needs to be 'pleased' even if it isn't even remotely offensive to the average person. I saw an article the other day. A girl brought a wonder woman lunchbox to school and got suspended because it would make the villains feel 'bad'.
Millennials were never disciplined as kids. It's taboo to give spankings now.
I go to CalArts and can confirm the amount of SJWs in the animation department

good thing I'm a f-film directing major
Millennials were never disciplined. I used to think conservative christian parents were too strict in the 90s. But today? I like them.
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Ironically I thought the SJWs would be more accepting of creativity (ie weird avant garde shit) but they're just as conventional as their boomer parents. They have the same "eeww weirdo" reaction

Aren't they supposed to be the cool accepting ones??
The 90's were awful. Nostalgia fags gtfo

for you
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>HAHA, boop
why did this make me laugh so much. you just summed up an entire industry in 2 words
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I'm also working in the media department. Recently, I pitched a concept for a new commercial we were planning to work on. It featured a young couple happily connecting and sharing pictures online with some internet service we're advertising. All my coworkers loved it, but the moment I presented it to my SJW Tumblrina boss, she immediately goes "UHHH, YEAH, I HAVE A QUESTION; WHERES THE MINORITY REPRESENTATIONS? WHERE'S THE TRANS AND HOMOSEXUAL REPRESENTATION?" Fucking kill me
>SJW Tumblrina boss

Proof that women run society into the ground as soon as they're in power
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