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Mac Day is the best episode. Chardee MacDennis is the second
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File: sunny905-1001.jpg (49 KB, 720x406) Image search: [Google]
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Mac Day is the best episode.
Chardee MacDennis is the second best.
Third best doesn't matter

Fight me.
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OP a Bitch.jpg
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Interesting. You say Mac day is the best episode. Everyone believes you because you are the OP, and are so smart with your big ol' brains.

But uh oh, then Reynolds V Reynolds came along, proving OPs list incorrect about the best episode, and thus making OP and everyone who listened to him a BITCH!!
Am I a pleb if my favorite episode is The Gang Hits The Road? It's perfect.
The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 6 is #3
God damn I fucking love this show.
Both of these are good choices.
It was nice to see Dee have a reason to get passionate about something, but I saw the ending from a mile away. I'd rather watch Who Pooped the Bed for a forensics.
Gas crisis, mortgage crisis, and gang spies like US are the 3 best episodes cuz they are clever social commentary
>The nightman cometh
>Flowers for Charlie
>The gang gives frank an intervention

Chardee MacDennis is definitely up there but OP can choke on dicks if he thinks these three are seriously supposed to be worse than Mac day.
Intervention is up there.

>Block the wind while I roast this bone
The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award has fast become my favorite episode.
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The one with Daddario. I remember liking that one for some reason.
Dayman Musical
Lethal Weapon 6
The one where the brothers hold the gang hostage
Of course, Of course, the ending being seen from a mile away. Only someone like an idiot would like an episode where you can guess the ending. A rube, a simpleton. You could even say the person who liked Reynolds V Reynolds the most had donkey brains.

Would you agree with that anon? Would someone liking Reynolds V Reynolds mean they had donkey brains?
'Worse than' isn't fair. Yeah, they're good. But Mac Day is best. It's nonstop fun from start to finish and lays out every shitty thing about Mac while giving every other character good moments. Last, it's another glimpse of the hell the gang has created for themselves that was acknowledged in The Worst Bar in Philadelphia (which is actually one of my least favorite episodes).

Nice ones.

I like the Gang Dances Their Asses Off, Charlie Has Cancer, The Gang Buys a Boat, The Gang Goes to Jersey Shore, Mac and Charlie: White Trash, Mac and Charlie Die, Mac and Dennis Brake Up, Thunderbolt something I forgot and The Gang Misses The Boat

Ur a dumb, gay man
There are just too many good episodes.
You idiots do realize that the empirically best episode was "the D.E.N.N.I.S system" right?
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literally facebook: the episode

Fuck off with that meme episode
>D.E.N.N.I.S system
>literally facebook: the episode
no, that was literally The Antisocial Network
Reminder that Sweet Dee is the best character.
Fuck you
you think they had sex like that just once?
Franks intervention is top 3, family
>sup whitestains
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>what are you gonna do if he comes back looking for his wallet?
>um, tell him to suck a boner.
Dennis > Dee > Frank > Mac > Charlie
Charlie is literally reddit.
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>tfw you just finished watching Mac Day for the first time ever
>well he wasn't wearing a helmet
>plus he was drunk all the time
Gail the Snail is a god tier one-time character.
she came back on another episode, gang squashes their beefs I think
Reynolds vs. Reynolds is a personal favorite
You spelt 'Charlie Work' wrong OP
overrated as fuck
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nothing past season 4 is worth worrying about

pic related
they are devolving on purpose and its funny
If anything charlie has gotten smarter as the show has progressed. The first couple seasons he was always sniffing glue
not really
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