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Star Wars Rotten Reviews
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Thread replies: 28
Thread images: 4
File: star wars reviews.png (147 KB, 746x833) Image search: [Google]
star wars reviews.png
147 KB, 746x833
The fedora images are a nice touch, good job OP.
The Forbes guy thinks Revenge of the Sith is better than A New Hope.
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3 MB, 3264x4928
Do you think he liked star wars 7? he looks like the type of person they were pandering to with it
>le fat fedora maymay XD
fuck off back to
God I can already see this guy orbiting some stacey and writing posts on reddit about how mad he gets when she talks about her boyfriend
From now on, those are the only reviewers I will trust.

Glib ass post nigga.
>p-pls d-don't talk b-badly o-of my manchild flick

Is that Notch?
>it's a glib facsimile thread

He's a pretty glib dude.
>p-pls d-don't talk b-badly o-of my manchild flick
that's not what I meant you fucking goy
>Roger Moore
As if his bond flicks were the pinnacle of originality
If you hate Star Wars so much then why do you spend every waking moment obsessing about it, monitoring it's score on rotten tomatoes, chimping out every time the score changes, reading reviews about it, using your time to make images so you can spend even more time posting about it here
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209 KB, 600x582
It's JUST what I expected, this rehash is nothing but a glib facsimile.

If Star Wars was all I had access to as a child in terms of sci-fi I probably would become one of those crazy fanboys, but thankfully I had access to anime from very early on in my youth years that my mental balance is very stable.

Seriously, if you have watched Akira, you'd realize just how sophisticated anime is and it blows away anything Star Wars would have to offer.

A lot of people mention Ghost In The Shell, which has just enough of sexuality in the mix to draw in the western audience I suppose but I must say that Ghost In The Shell is not even in my top 10 anime, not even close, that's just how deep the world of anime is.

Some anime is so disturbingly mature like Fractale that I wish it would challenge the system and submit it as a Drama category in the Oscars just to bitchslap the snotty Academy.

It's not just the level of maturity and sophistication anime has, it's also quite original, entertaining, and visually fantastic. I would regard anime as the highest form of cinema art-form.

But hey, me preaching about anime won't do you any good, you gotta go out and see it for yourself just how much you are missing.

The recent one I would recommend to check out is Sword Art Online which is light and easy to get into anime for the first time yet appreciate it as much, but if you want the heavy stuff right off the line check out Guilty Crown in which the plot is so complex and twisted that you'll need extra oxygen pumped into your brain in order to comprehend everything, and if you want amazing visuals and a gripping drama that also has awesome mecha battles Aldnoah.Zero is the shit.

Seriously, if you know anime like I do, Star Wars looks like it's something for little kids.
who /readytoglibpost/ tomorrow?
>walk into finals
>people excitedly buzzing about cuck wars
>what did you think anon?
>a glib facsimile
>watching a glib facsimile
>what does that even mea-
>glib detected
>A glib facsimile
Fucking retarded reviewers using memes, into the trash it goes.

That's a big meme.
Carlos Boyero's review shits on Finn calling him an horrendous nigger.
he's right
Fuck you
Reported for anime outside of [a/jp]

Enjoy your ban faggot :^)
This is the least funny copypasta in a while I was seriously disappointed when /tv/ posters decided to run with this shit.

Glib levels: 0
>true poetry

Fa/tv/irgin confirmed
>glibbing intensifies
Thread replies: 28
Thread images: 4

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