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Who are Rey's parents?
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File: Daisy Ridley.jpg (484 KB, 2000x3000) Image search: [Google]
Daisy Ridley.jpg
484 KB, 2000x3000
Since we know Kylo Ren is Han's son, do you think Rey could be Luke's daughter?
File: 1449646450393.jpg (430 KB, 1493x1600) Image search: [Google]
430 KB, 1493x1600
We really don't know for sure yet. Thanks for the HQ photo though, have one in return.

Why is she so perfect bros?
I'll be her Daddy
>Marooned on a desert planet
>Silky smooth legs

2/10 Star Wars ruined.
She's Han and Leia's other daughter that they decided to keep secret in case she became corrupted like her brother.
I thought it was implyed she is Luke's daughter because she was drawn to Skywalker litghtsaber
Could be this or could be Luke's daughter.
Obviously Luke is her dad.

Friendly reminder that Mara Jade exists in the films
I'm putting my money on Wedge fucking Antilles. It has to be a pilot of a X-Fighter, as we've seen from the beginning, and who is better than the legend himself?
She's Snoke's daughter. It'll be a tragic reveal like in ESB. Luke/Han being her father will be an obvious mislead
No she doesn't, don't even think she's crypto-movie canon like Darth Bane (everything in the novelizations as well as screenplays is still Disney-Canon)
>has flashback touching Luke lightsaber
>comes from a planet with an ocean
>from an island
>Luke is located on a ocean planet, on an island, with a deserted village
She's Vader Brother and Luke's aunt. Her father is the force. She was created by Plagueis(SNookie) as well

How sweaty and stinky do you think Daisy's feet got filming in the desert wearing boots all day?
Darth Bane was in the Clone Wars cartoon, he's canon.
Nobody cares.
"Snookie you're my best friend ever" - Charlie brown
What kind of parent leaves their 5 year old daughter on a goddamn barren desert world with little to no water without anyone to take care of her but some fat sleazy junk dealer played by Simon Pegg?!

If Luke is her dad they really are ruining his character. Making him a depressed, moping coward who can't even build a jedi order in the space of 30 years who's abandoned his own daughter.

Luke and Aphra
File: Camie1.jpg (68 KB, 500x400) Image search: [Google]
68 KB, 500x400
Luke and Camie
>making him flawed and more interesting

Fixed it for you my gf
Because she's a leading lady that looks regular, not all slutty and shit like you see in other films.
There's a difference between being well written and flawed or just copying Ben Kenobi because pottery. We already had that flawed shtick with Anakin. It's bad development if his actions make him look out of character.That and Kasdan never understood Luke, he wanted him to become fucking Vader in ROTJ thank god that didn't happen ugh.
if it was this it'll be canon since the original canon states jacen solo was a sith lord who was defeated by his twin sister jaina solo.

they said these new movies dont follow the original canon so its most likely shes lukes daughter
I really hope she's only related to one of the Jedi Kylo killed, and not to Luke at all.
It should be more to do with Snoke, as he also has back story we don't know yet.
Thread replies: 26
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