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This movie was fucking awful
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This movie was fucking awful

it's a free adam sandler flick on netflix. what the fuck did you expect
wow im shocked
fuck you

>My mother is swedish
>I thought you were mexican
>Lying bitch
I knew it wasn't going to be great, but i was still blown away by how fucking unfunny and shitty it actually was
the baseball scene is the funniest thing SNL hasn't done in years
It was pretty good. I give it five bags of popcorn and two sodas
This shit was funny
The rest is ok for a NetFlix movie
I'll admit the scene where Schneider hits the one guys head off with the shovel was stupid comedy gold.
>I just want you all to know that my mother was black...and I guess that technically makes me half black
>Oh yeahhhh
No one cares what you think OP and your need to hate on Sandler is just you not accepting your a shit human being who has nothing but failures.
That part and the part with the dumb guy swinging by his neck were funny. >>63748855
This scene was terrible
>This scene was terrible
You have no taste
That's only "heh" worthy not laugh out loud

Entertainment sucked. Fuck you
I am a fan of some of his movies so I wasn't planning on hating it just because it's a Sandler movie. I loved That's My Boy, Little Nickey and his old movies
>I loved That's My Boy
i like it.
Fuck you it was pretty funny
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That went south so fast!
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It was better than The Glib Facsimile at least.
Duh, to make room for all of those great jokes!
no shit

heh, they're not even trying
on a scale from 1 - 10, did that guy died?
I watched about 30 minuets of this awful movie. I found myself staring at the wall because it was more entertaining.

Adam sandler has sunk so low that hes making the same type of movie as The Asylum.

thats pretty low even for him
this movie was genious, you guys are just a bunch of bandwaggoning faggots. in 10 years when its a classic, you will all be on it too about how you loved it when no one else did
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At least Bucky Larson now has company.
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sandler didn't look like he was trying at all in the movie
i was never sure if that was intended or not....
is he just finished? done?
He is just phoning it in for the money now
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I'll bet you liked these films too, patrician.
I gave it 30 minutes and cringed the whole way
There weren't many jokes. Which was good, because when this crew tries comedy, they fail. So that by default makes it better than pretty much everything else Happy Madison has made since, what, 2000?
ITT: Reddit shitposts about a movie that is a million times better than the recent Cuckantino cukcfest.
It was better than his last few attempts. Grown Ups 2 and Blended were horrible. R6 was at least occasionally funny.
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Blended had it's good points
patrician-core are usually worst than fedoracore
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