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I hear she's some slut from Coruuskant.

Laser swords

Anakin would eventually go on to meet an Angel from the moons of Iego. They don't look anything like Padme.
canonically, angels are an alien race.
yfw: he will kill her
i'm not a little boy anymore
But he didn't kill her. She lost the will to live.
It would be extremely painful.
File: the autism theory.png (1021 KB, 1275x710) Image search: [Google]
the autism theory.png
1021 KB, 1275x710
>the auteur theory
File: 121323989583.jpg (12 KB, 187x200) Image search: [Google]
12 KB, 187x200
yfw Angel is an actual species in star wars from the planet Lego
clearly obi wan killed her, with anakin gone he would've to take on the role of father and pay up them kids education and shieet.
Anakin would be black if this was made today.
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