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>budget $200M >advertising budget $300M What the fuck?
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>budget $200M
>advertising budget $300M

What the fuck?
Is that unusual?
I don't know. I just thought they had way more than 200 Million to make a star wars movie, seems a little small doesn't it
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Where the real money from the movie is made.
More like
>budget $200M
>promotional tie-in publicity $0
>merch revenue and ticket pre-sales $waytoofuckingmuchholyshitwhatisthisworldcomingto
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Because movies like Star Wars are basically 2 hour long toy commercials. The studio's don't make money from cinemas anymore, they make money by licensing their material to toy makers and taking their percentage of the profit. For fucks sake they've even started trying to sell fruit...
Why the fuck you need to spend so much in advertising a Star Wars movie?

Just throw a trailer on prime time like they did with MNF and throw and that's it
>using a dead character for marketing

literally why
they want to beat titanic
>Why the fuck you need to spend so much in advertising a Star Wars movie?
This. It's like they want to saturate us into disliking it. As if it needs 300 million $$ in marketing to turn into another one of those obnoxious events.
Where the fuck is the source saying it has a $300m advertising budget?

stop making shit up and go lose your virginity
I'd like to see where the biggest slice of that $300M goes to. My guess is China.
I wouldn't be surprised if the actual number was higher than that.

They got cheap actors from Britain and American retirement villages
I want some fucking grapes now but my wife's son is asleep.
why do they even need extensive advertising outside of showing trailers on tv?

it's fucking star wars. people should be paying disney to have that shit plastered on their products.
because plot leaks have made people lose interest
have you seen the footage? it's shot with the same care an artistry as a network TV show.

it's definitely only $200 million because of CGI and having to give the OT actors 10s of millions of dollars.
that actually costs Disney money or every film would do it. they will be paying for all the special packaging themselves. it may even be experimental to see if Star Wars can sell things other than toys, or they could be outright panicking.
200 million seems to be a ghost limit for most AAA films. Anything else is unnecessary, and would carry unfortunate implication for the sequels.
A vast majority of the people who will see it don't know any of the plot leaks. You're kidding yourself.
they may have actually originally thought beating Titanic would be straightforward because of muh Star Wars, but have discovered that actually they need to market the fuck out of this to even stand a chance of recouping their $4.3 billion.
most normies really don't care, you're probably not a real fan anyway
>selling grapes that look like yoda's balls.
Was this the intention?
>but my wife's son is asleep.

Ah, that old chestnut.

Happy trolling.
Nice no true Scotsman. I hope you have a fit of autistic rage when you see all the normies at the premiere.
80-100 million is the norm for the big releases
Yeah its JJs typical cheapo production
>why do they even need extensive advertising outside of showing trailers on tv?

the trailers have themselves made people lose interest

Daisy is not impressive at all and neither are any of the new scenes.

of course when you show classic Star Wars imagery you give people a rush but that mostly only affects hardcore fans.
Regular marketing gets you regular numbers. Look at Hunger Games 2 or Ant Man. Good money earners, but will we remember them? I had to google what films Marvel put out this year side from Avengers. Star Wars now? Every single person I know knows when its coming out and are going to see it. Pre-ordering tickets three months in advance? Ayup.
There is Force Awakens mascara too
And thats not how merchandising works
A company pays a lump sum fee and gets to make shit with your license
You might charge them a high up front fee and then see no further cash, or you might lower it and receive a percentage
Either way they pay you upfront
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stay mad fucking casual, I'm watching it tomorrow while you banepost in /tv/
Okay, I hope you enjoy the film.
Yeah man, 70 million plus views on both trailers (and that's just the official release), and the movie had already grossed $50 million in pre-sale tickets as of a month ago. Yup, people really are turned off by the marketing

I'm sure Disney became the largest media empire on the planet by accident and you know better than they do how to sell a product
it has to be a percentage, then. Film-tie-in fruit would have already been a thing, it's not like shame has restrained movie marketing since the 80s. it's a mutual benefit, if produce companies are paying Disney for the rights to advertise Star Wars on something as low-profit as fruit (where the primary cost is logistical) they are idiots. there's no way McDonalds is paying to help advertise every kids movie that comes out via Happy Meal.
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Not "the real". The film by itself makes a lot of money. The less work demending and easy. It's pure greed and the ugliest thing existing in the movies industry.

At the beginning " goodies" were here to promote the movie and pleased poor children at mc Donald's. It was an honest deal. Now manchild or middle class family have to spend 200$ for a plastic lightsaber without battery included.

Nerds/geeks should not support this.

>pic related. My KFC happy meal 97's souvenir, now they would charge 15$ for each of this shit.
Star Wars has a huge built-in fanbase, no one is disputing that. The question is how large Disney thought the new audience they could reach would be.
Episode 3 only had a $113M budget. This is pricey for a Star Wars film.
Nope. Episode 2 previously had the biggest SW budget at $120M.
With an estimated budget of $200 million ($423 million including marketing, printing and advertising costs, and making and distribution of home videos)

Check your sources, OP.
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>they need to market the fuck out of this to even stand a chance of recouping their $4.3 billion.

The box office floor of this movie is around $1 billion. The ceiling is probably around $2.5 billion, possibly higher. There's 2 movie movies to come, along with 3 spin offs, not to mention all the fucking shilling merchandise.

They got a fucking bargain for $4 billion.

Top kek. They should market these as "Yoda's nuts-swallow the Force Ā®Ā©ā„¢"

>toy sells $4000000b
I still have the AT-AT, tie fighter tower and droid
If the 7-13 children don't baite it could be the worth thing for Disney, when the parents are more hyped than the kids , it's not good business, they rebel side will reject this cultural product. If nothing as changed of course, i feel that teen become dumber and dumber each generation since WW2.
You overestimate the intelligence of some companies
People are becoming smarter they're just not held to the level of maturity people were back then.
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This post makes little sense.

They become less culturaly agressive. They eat what's on the table without asking questions.

I did a murder of english grammar. I'm just saying the big challenge for Disney is not to convince 25/40 yo that SW is great but the kids.
I only have anecdotal evidence but my nephews are hyped as fuck for the movie. It does seem like adults are more into it though. I'm sure Disney will adjust and find ways to sell more shit to adults.
Over 65% of the budget of GTA V was advertisement.

It's common practice when you know you're a guaranteed hit.
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I wonder...
anyone know the film in the bottom right of the first half?
Because you'll lose money if people don't believe that your CGI shitfest with generic plot is the next big thing. Everybody is going! And you should too!
You need people to buy the Star Wars Han shot firstĀ® t-shirt for $40, pre-order tickets 6 months early for the mid-night session, post about it on facebook/twitter and buy the Yoda grapesĀ©.
About 95 percent sure it's the black cauldron. Really underrated gem
now I think about it, the Star Wars grapes probably cost twice as much as regular grapes, so the question of where the money is coming from is answerable.
Is there a more based nephew than Roy Disney?

Wouldn't be surprise if Walt didn't fuck his brother's wife. Roy fucking loved the company and fought for it all the damned time.
not having that $4.3 billion will cost them around 7% of the total per year because of the opportunity cost of not having that money to invest elsewhere.

that's $300 million they have to make per year before they start making profits, not counting the cost of the movies and advertizing them. believe it or not Disney did not back a sure thing here.
>reddit formatting
It clearly works. Theyve been doing Disney branded fruits for atleast a year.

They're expected to make 1 billion alone from merchandising this year, another billion from their new Star Wars park, the box office for TFA will be 1 billion minimum, and there are 4 other movies coming. Like the other anon said they got a steal.

Kids seem to be into it. Star Wars toys are everywhere right now and all the kids I know seem to be into it.
I'm definitely committing the error of overestimating the taste of the general public.
>Disney branded fruits for atleast a year.

okay so it's part of a general deal and they are merely promoting Star Wars at the moment.
Monumentally common error here.

You'd think Transformers would have taught everyone here that lesson. They're already pumping out a Ninja Turtles sequel and it's gonna make another fucking mint.
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>Actually thinking the spinoffs are going to sell

This aint MCU m8, no one gives a fuck about R2D2's spin off movie, loving every laugh.
>If the 7-13 children don't baite it could be the worth thing for Disney, when the parents are more hyped than the kids , it's not good business, they rebel side will reject this cultural product.
Kids will watch it if their favorite LP from youtube tell them to.
the merchandising profits are under the radar of people here, even if they buy some of it.

the entertainment industry is actually a tiny percentage of the overall economy, so when an IP can tap into people's willingness to waste money on tat I guess the usual metrics of success go completely out of the window: a $1 billion movie can make more than a $3 billion movie indirectly.

Since you seem to know the numbers, when the Star Wars copyright falls into the Public Domain ? How are they gonna try to outlaw that with their 1000 lawyers ?
You'd think they could come up with better posters for that kind of money.
I'm just tired of anons yelling FLOP every time a movie isn't to their tastes. Plebs give the box office the most money and /tv/ wonders why movies are so commonly plebtier.

Not him but just pay the government to extend it.
It's still the most expensive Star Wars movie but you have to adjust for inflation

In 2015 dollars the 6 movies had a production budget of:

Star Wars: $35.5 million
Empire Strikes back: $50.7 million
Return of the Jedi: $82.5 million
Phantom Menace: $182.5 million
Attack of the Clones: $165.1 million
Revenge of the Sith: $147.1 million

$35.5 million to make the original star wars is mind blowing

Some 2015 movies that cost roughly the same as, or more than $35.5 million:

Black Mass
50 shades of grey
The Walk
Crimson Peak
Bridge of Spies
Victor Frankenstein
I'm not the anon you're replying.
Movies have inflated budgets nowadays. Pitch Perfect 1 had a budget of 17 million dollars, Pitch Perfect 2 had a budget of $29 million.

>The studio's don't make money from cinemas anymore

yes they do idiot
Well, you know, with huge progress in CG and all around labor getting cheap(what with globalization and all) making movies is probably cheaper than making a 100000000 000 of posters for the movie all over the world.
I live in Croatia, shitty little country in Europe, its almost as if whole country is just a thin red line on the world map(its so small, but at least we dont have complexes about it) and on every fucking tram station there is poster of SW7, slightly redesigned and in my language.
Now, city I am is not really big but it has at least ~300 tram stations, on each station there is at least 2-3 posters. But, its like , on every billboard, mall, anywhere people put commercials , you see at least 3 light sabers and those faces,every face looks in its own direction.

Anyway, i believe same shit is in every country on the planet so I kinda believe there is a huge amount spent on marketing, but we also need to take into consideration Disney Corp. are wizards in Hollywood Accounting.
Works for video games.
Don't big name earners get like 15-20 millions per movie nowadays?

With Hamil, Fisher and Ford returning, that's at least 45-60 million. Plus Mayhew, Daniels and Baker probably at least 3-5 mil a piece.

Ridley and Boyega are realtive newcomers, so I'm guessing maybe 100K each for this movie alone. Isaac is a bit more established, but has lesser screentime, so I'm guessing 500K as well.
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