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File: Meesa Ja Ja Binks.jpg (31 KB, 635x423) Image search: [Google]
Meesa Ja Ja Binks.jpg
31 KB, 635x423
>You get discovered by George Lucas for the role of a lifetime
>Thinking this role will catapult you into stardom
>Movie is shit and your character is universally hated

I feel sorry for the actor. It's not his fault the character and movie was shit. Yet he got so much abuse over it.
never get another role because jar jar
can't even make your living on the cons circuit
Yes this is so sad because he was really giving all of his best for this role


Fucksake. Poor man.
>universally hated

not anymore, thanks to reddit
Explain? Is it because of the "Jar Jar is a genius sith lord and is behind everything" theory?
Yes. The theory gave the character a lot of positive attention.
But I thought that was just a meme?
File: 1441647198313.png (199 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
199 KB, 600x600
>You get discovered by JJ for the role of a lifetime
>Thinking this role will catapult you into stardom
>Movie is shit and your character is universally hated

Jar Jar is an alien that speaks broken nergo english.

>Why didn't he bark or make weird noises like Chewbacca and Jabba with subtitles? It instantly made the character full shit.
Nothing is 'just a meme' any more. I heard about the Jar Jar theory on the TV news.
Not a lot of the general public knows that there was a real actor playing Jar Jar. I dont think it hurts this career.
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