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What does the Superman say to the Batman?
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What does the Superman say to the Batman?

"Alright, I'll let you tag along."
>you're a pussy
>at least i'm not clark kent
I'm a big guy

for you
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Assalamu Alaikum, Motherfucker.
>Let's have this ninety-pound girl stand in front of us, it'll be hilarious.
>She's actually doing it, the mad woman!
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>implying she isn't the only man of the three
You can be my wingman anytime
>people making fun of Cavill balding
>actually looks badass with short hair and a beard

He'll be your gruff military man action hero in a few years
no one's saying cavil doesn't look good with a shved head(you've obviously never seen the tudors), just that the studio won't want to have a blad superman and he's clearly balding. fingers crossed for a silly wig
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>You're a big one, right?
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Supes (after seeing Wonder Woman for the first time): "Okay, it's not me. You look fine. For a second I though I had lost control of my X-Ray vision and it was still on."

this is lame, reconsider before posting next time
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The burning arab orphanage behind them, it's like poetry
you can rape her after me
>"okay so, i'm in the middle, you're to my right, she's to my left .ready?"
>goddammit guys!
>Superman: You stuffed a sock in your jock strap?

>Batman: Noooooo... Fuck you it's all Batman down there.

Wonder Woman: Yeah I wish.
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>Is she a jew?
>I thought she was a jew
>WW: I'm a jew
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>those muscles
God dammit why couldn't we get a woman who lifts cast in this role?
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>Is she with jew?
>I thought she was with jew?
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bvs friends.png
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This version is out of date
Is this shit cg?
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Most updated version I could find
Why is batman holding a shotgun? Has Snyder gone full retard?
it's a grenade launcher he's using against doomsday, who isn't human or sentient so it's fine
>batman never uses projectile weapons
That looks like a shotgun or a rifle, unless its confirmed otherwise. If it's a projectile/net/hook weapon or utility like stuff that batman uses i get it.
its confirmed sticky bombs launcher
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at this point i'm fairly certain even non-jews in holllywood claim to be jewish, how else can they get a role? they probably just write half-jewish on my great-great-grandmother's side, who's gonna check?
Why is batman's lower face exposed?
how else can he show off that sexy stubble?
Reeve wore a wig. I don't see why they couldn't have been assed to give Cavill one, or at least just let him wear the Man of Steel hair.
"Top or Bottom?"
S-so this became a new meme?
>Allah akbar?
>Allah akbar.
Are you serious? They'll catch on pretty quick when they don't see you at the Elders of Zion meetings.
Why does Batman have a rifle?
>not answering T A K B I R
>comic wonderwoman
>that skinny jew

Why is it so hard to get some muscle.

Women are such a lazy asses.

takbir is what you answer with allah akbar not the other way around you filthy kaffir
i never smelled pussy that smells like tuna. idk where that myth comes from

inb4 virgin
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