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Actors, movies or television shows that only you remember.
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Thread replies: 14
Thread images: 11
File: rare pepe.jpg (50 KB, 480x477) Image search: [Google]
rare pepe.jpg
50 KB, 480x477
Actors, movies or television shows that only you remember.
File: all-american-girl.jpg (61 KB, 490x654) Image search: [Google]
61 KB, 490x654
File: plunkett-rob-carlyle.png (620 KB, 500x691) Image search: [Google]
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Sickboy and Bigby in a British Cowboy movie...
File: darbyogill.jpg (195 KB, 1494x1179) Image search: [Google]
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same goes for The Gnome Mobile
File: kylexy.jpg (36 KB, 500x465) Image search: [Google]
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File: Banshee3.jpg (28 KB, 672x504) Image search: [Google]
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fuckin' loved that movie as a kid, the Banshee scared the crap outta me.
File: ChildrenOfTheDogStar.jpg (38 KB, 480x358) Image search: [Google]
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Plebian scum.
File: Cats_Eyes.jpg (23 KB, 320x215) Image search: [Google]
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Thought i made this show up for the longest time
there was some australian kids show called snobs about a dog and a kid, no one seems to remember it
File: image.jpg (60 KB, 408x580) Image search: [Google]
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Come back.

I think this is more comfy than the original and always feel like it is overlooked.
File: Patrol-Boat-ABC.png (272 KB, 466x358) Image search: [Google]
272 KB, 466x358
Insomniac with Dave Attell was one of the greatest shows that ever existed.
Thread replies: 14
Thread images: 11

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