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The Bourne movies are better than all of James Bond's, with
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File: bourne1.jpg (374 KB, 851x360) Image search: [Google]
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The Bourne movies are better than all of James Bond's, with maybe the exception of Goldeneye .. Prove me wrong, /tv/ - Protip:you can't
>he still thinks goldeneye is the best bond

post DROPPED tbqh
The Bourne Identity is as good as the best Bond movies.

Supremacy and Ultimatum were fucking trash.
I saw the first one and don't remember anything that happened outside of Clive Owen trying to shoot his sniper rifle and Matt Damon making something explode

Are the others worth watching?
disperse, plebeian
Ultimatum is the best Bourne flick though
The Bourne trilogy is on par with bond's best (which don't include goldeneye, it's good but the third act drops the ball a bit)
File: wut.jpg (22 KB, 499x430) Image search: [Google]
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A few posts on 4chan arent going to change your taste in movies
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I feel like Bourne is more bad ass of an agent than Bond.

Bond gets his intel from his agency, gets the gadgets from them, and he just goes where they tell him to go and does the job. Of course he is an extremely good operator, smooth in social situations, gets all the pussy, no doubt he is an iconic if not the most iconic character.

But Bourne as we see him is on his own, gathers his own intel and makes his own decisions. It is very satisfying when he goes after a whole agency, infiltrates and neutralizes and escapes. He is more intelligent, possessing every kind of knowledge to succeed in every situation as an agent. He is a more dangerous weapon than Bond, more independent.

tldr; Bourne is so fucken cool, cooler than bond
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Idc but The Mission Impossible series is better than both.
I saw the bank scene as a kid and it was the best thing I had ever seen

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The first is a classic
Rogue Nation is 100% based flawless film
Rest are forgettable.

Yeah, they're okay.
This tbqh:
>mission impossible 1 is a great thriller that isn't just flat out action
>MI2 is a beautifully over the top film that is basically a live action cartoon, a glorious live action cartoon
>3 is good
>MI4 was a great movie
>RN repeated what worked for the last one and added a better villian

Ghost Protocol was better than Rogue Nation
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