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Thoughts on The Raid 2? Personally, it's one of the greatest
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raid 2 poster.jpg
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Thoughts on The Raid 2? Personally, it's one of the greatest action movies I've seen.
I never watched the first, only picked up the second because it was on Blu-Ray.

I like it.
I thought the first one was incredibly boring.
Agreed, especially the fact that it's a 2 1/2 hr movie, that kitchen fight at the end is fucking epic.
The question is, will the third live up to the second one?
All Asians look the same which made it too hard to follow. 4/10
Its great.
I refuse to watch any move that isn't made in the US of fucking A.

Build wall btw.
The first movie takes, you know, something as run of the mill and Die Hard and executes it unlike any other action movie every made.

The fact that Raid 2 shows us that Die Hard is happening on every street corner of this world is fucking the coolest thing ever.

Great movie
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Do I need to see the first one before I watch this?
A lot of people like the first one more than the second one, so I would definitely check out the first one first. Also, don't wait too long before watching the second one afterwards. I watched the second one a year after the first and I was pretty confused at the beginning of it.
Oh hadn't meant to reply on your post, wasn't talking to you.
ITT: a bunch of 15 year olds think this 4/10 trash is "fucking epic"
I liked how it showed plenty of gore

I consider this movie an action/horror
You don't need to, no. But I would recommend checking out both.
Felt like it was trying too hard with some stuff (the long shots at the beginning, the framing of shots, and the plot line itself) and it felt like it was trying to compete with other well-known foreign titles like Oldboy. Also felt like they brought back that played the villain in the first movie just because they could, he didn't seem to contribute anything to the plot and felt out of place. Otherwise the action sequences were top-notch, especially those prison fights and the final few fights.
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>this faggot comes in the thread

this tbqhwyf. i enjoyed 1 more
I love this movie, especially how the last 45 minutes is one long climax
First one's better in my opinion. The tighter focus gave it a way more intense feel and the first movie had those kick ass gun fight scenes in the beginning which were intense.
Not to mention the final battle with Mad Dog which was the best fight out of both movies.

I like the second one a lot, but the story's not much better and the luscious sets don't matter as much as the tense ass fucking claustrophobic fight scenes in the first one.

First one had a tighter story and kept a faster pace. It focused on the action and kept only what it needed of a story to keep going. It had some humor but kept a serious tone and stayed on point.

The second was good, but not nearly as clean. It let the story get too complex and distracting. It got too cartoony with weirdly themed fighters (baseball bat guy, the girl). The poor focus of the story meant the climax was off and the story didn't pay off nearly as well as the first.

Don't get me wrong, 2 is still really good. But 1 is so much better.
No, this one was wrote first. They only made the first one to raise the funds to make this one.
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way sicker than the first. actually has multiple settings to keep you interested instead of hallway after hallway (which, the first one does an amazing job of somehow keeping that entertaining).

prison scene intro >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all cinekinoflickelodeans
>it's one of the greatest action movies I've seen.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
It's literally the Dark Knight of action movies though.
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