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File: Punisher.jpg (55 KB, 866x873) Image search: [Google]
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Why de fuck is there no Punisher movie?
>One of the most popular superheros
>Fuckton of merch with the Punisher logo
>Would be good for the franchise as he speaks to a broader public

Also is one of the exiting movies worth watching?
I think all the Punisher movies do him justice in their own way.
I really like the one with Dolph Lundgren tho, it was more on the bleak side than the others.
Jane's version has really good fighting scene with The Russian tho. I suggest to check em all.

There's three Punisher movies (and he's going to be in the next season of Daredevil). Dolph's Punisher is the best. He's the only actor who I'm convinced could walk into a room and scare the shit out of everyone inside. Also, he fights FUCKING NINJAS.
>Up is Down and Black is White will never get made into a movie

The Thomas Jane Punisher movie is meh, it's not a bad movie but it's not a good punisher movie if that makes sense.

War Zone would be good if they hadn't fucked up in shooting the action sequences. They're shot too frenetically, too many random cuts in the action, it's hard to make sense of what's going on in a lot of the action scenes.
>no Punisher movie
I liked Thomas Jane's Punisher.

It was pretty violent even though it had alot of silly moments.
>more capeshit

yeah, no


Agreed, Jane was a lame duck who acted nothing like the Punisher and I never saw War zone

Jane spends more time crying and getting drunk than he does kicking ass, and War Zone's blend of CGI blood and shitty nu-metal rendered the entire thing unwatchable. They also turned Jigsaw into a OMG SO WAAAACKY antagonist. There's a scene where he unites a bunch of gangs to the national anthem (with a giant American flag projected behind him no less) that's one of the most cringeworthy things I've ever seen.
The director hates comics and the punisher or some shit.
There are 3 Punisher films, as well as a 4th independent one. This doesn't include his appearances in animated films. He is also in the Daredevil tv show... how do you miss that?
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