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Top 5 Michael Fassbender films. GO!
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Top 5 Michael Fassbender films. GO!
1. all of them
no runner up
The one where he plays an asshole
The one where he plays an asshole
The one where he plays an asshole
The one where he plays an asshole
The one where he plays an asshole
Shame and nothing else
tfw Fassy will never fuck my boypussy
One day he will, when whites are sold like chattel to the brown hordes. So long as you have the shilling, an upstanding specimen such as him can be yours
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even cute as a shota
Remove prometheus and Frank
Add 12 years a slave and inglorious basterds
>dis pleb taste

Eden Lake
Replace Eden Lake/Centurion with Slow West and you're good to go m4(3-1)
I liked him in Jane Eyre.
Our Hidden Lives
Macbeth was meh, but he was ok in it
the one, in which he is a sexy mofo.
X-men: First Class
12 Years A Slave

Pretty broad range of different kinds of film now I look at it.
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so, all of them
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How's Slow West?
How you guys see Macbeth already? I'm really looking forward to it. Also shakespeare shilling for this.
What does shota mean?
did he fuck the Ayy Lmao?
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cute boy
Slow West is really nice
name for young boys used by pedophiles who think it's okay to look at manga pedophile porn.
Alright, thanks.

Let every man seek heaven in his own fashion, I guess.

It's the boy equivalent of loli.
Was Macbeth really that good?
Inglorious Basterds
Eden Lake
The Counselor
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He's still not as hott as Carl Grimes.
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Can't find this movie anywhere online
came here to post this
Not really, but it was 2 hours of Fassbender hugging/gently caressing muscular bearded men, so I enjoyed it

I don't know if it was intended to be homoerotic like that though
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Fish Tank was pretty good
I couldn't get past the shitty dancing and shitty lifestyle
Steve Jobs
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1. Shame
2. Hunger
3. Frank
4. Fish Tank
5. MacBeth

Side note. After watching Prometheus, he should play David Bowie if they ever do a biopic set in the Berlin Trilogy was recorded.
1. Shame
2. Frank
3. Hunger
4. 12 Years A Slave
5. Macbeth
The only good fassbender film is Frank

that is a fact
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