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What is the best Seth Rogan film?
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What is the best Seth Rogan film?
That's a small picture.
matches his small white dick pretty well
pineapple express
the one we're he plays a stoner
For you
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probably this one imho
The spider wick chronicles because it shows his true form
The one where Michelle Williams and Sarah Silverman get naked.
Superbad easily
Donnie Darko t b h
donnie danko
I like 50/50

Generally any role where he's not the focus but is instead the leading man's backup is a great role for him. Also pretty good in Funny People and Superbad.

Worst role is easily Zach and Miri, although script problems are the biggest issues there.
that one with weed in it
The stoner one where he goes huhuhuhuhuh and plays a manchild jew
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