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Why are people saying this is a 2015 release? I watched it back
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About Elly.jpg
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Why are people saying this is a 2015 release? I watched it back on 2010.
Because it's 2015
It was released theatrically in the US this year (which it hadn't before). I'm guessing it's because they think they can make some money now that Asghar Farhadi's name has some brand value
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>tell me about islam, anon
Is this good? From the description, it sounds like a remake of Picnic at Hanging Rock
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is this sunni serious.jpg
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Sanctions on Iran lifted this year after the nuclear deal.
>literally Not Without My Anus: The Movie
>Trump doesn't want this kind of qts in
>downvote and sage
Yes it's good, similar to Picnic at Hanging Rock in some ways but not a lot. If you like family dramas blended with mistery then you'll like it.
is elly in it a lot?
But does she show her tits though?
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quick, name more Iranian movies with qt3.14's in them
Shirin consists entirely of shots of the faces of Iranian actresses (and Juliette Binoche) apparently reacting to a film being played.
what? post link
Post link of what?
the movie is called Shirin?
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>Iranian movie by Kiarostami
>"Keep the car running" starts playing
98% of the refugees are young males look at Europe
What the fuck


Based Cher, too bad she's surrounded by beaters and homosexuals.
what is this? some "STRONG WYMYN" movie or what?
that's syria you dumb cunt, not Iranians

I think you're in the wrong thread mate. Just slowly leave and try to find another Star Wars thread for yourself. Have a good time little buddy!
just tell me what the movie is about?
it seems to be a movie about "poor wymyn and their problems"
A bit yeah, but it comes across as a natural and acurate depiction of the Iranian societal reality.
better than rich white men and their fake male rage B^)
>Armenians are still salty about Turkish banter
>a natural and acurate depiction of the Iranian societal reality.

finally a movie that puts it in good light
It kinda does. I saw the bluray with my brother and he was surprised, he didn't expect the muslims to be so cheery and happy.
It went to shit later, but still.
golshiftah is my islamfu

not iranian, but malaysian/south east asian
I consider 5 percent to 15 prcent from this blog are qt islamfu desu
>tfw one of my aunts looks like Golshifteh
30 seconds in lads.
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