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Everybody wants to be Ryan gosling, but who does Ryan gosling
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Everybody wants to be Ryan gosling, but who does Ryan gosling want to be?

Just watched John wick and I've seen jack reacher. And they all just made me wanna see Drive again.

Like seriously why does everyone like this playboy? Literally drive changed the badass game for all these other fools. Wasn't even impressed by the fighting scene in johnnwick someone said in a thread of biggest fights that it was worth seeing. And it wasn't.

I'm gonna watch drive because fuck it it's cool. I'm a fuckboy for it but let's be real and go back to my question. Who does Ryan gosling wanna be?

Def not tom cruise or James dean because they're all short. Idk man maybe a young hugh Hefner? Nah has to be someone's from nowadays probably someone with more blonde hair?
Ryan Gosling wants to be Nicolas Winding Refn.
I'm so fucking hyped to see him in bladerunner. he's changing the noir game

Drive 2 or nothing for real

I like Refn and Drive is definitely a milestone in the stoic men genre but I think he might be getting high on his own supply. OGF was a pretty mess and it might be hard for him to recapture that particular magic

ur nicolas winding refn desu think i don't know how big of a perv u are? jkr but seriously after he make only god forgives i saw that he probably got some underage pussy there himself in thailand and based the movie on one of his crazed sex adventures with an asian cop and a thai hooker.

I'm serious i think you're nicolas winding ref he would visit this board. and he would graffiti his name all proper like you did.
He wants to be a woman.

ryan is making all the messes, hike that hair piece. rufkm
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Alex Smith.

BAAAAAAAAAANG lol pretty much the answer i was looking for
*Slaps this anon's palm*
refn is a hack, I remember a tv-show called the 11th hour he cried like a bitch because he owed money to everyone and how he had betrayed his father.
what do you mean
this might be what he's channeling
He's a meme autist. A memetist.
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RyRy just wants to be a normal boy
I've only seen the pusher movies (which are decent) bronson (which is well-directed at least) drive and ogf. drive shows he can hit a home-run if the weather is right and at least I really like the title of his newest movie

when you nod your head yes but you wanna say no

mom i got an internet high five today

look at his hands, literally the softest things on this planet NOHOMO
He's in Shane Black's new movie too
>bladerunner remake
Jesus Christ no. They already fucked up total recall and terminator. They need to stop making reboots.

Has there been a single good reboot in the past 15 years?
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>>bladerunner remake
It's a sequel, you tit
not too souped about that movie desu

sequel with

>the original screenwriter
>a director who's done a bunch of tasteful shit
>noir man extra-ordinaire ryan gosling

I'm cautiously optimistic

He wants to be De Niro, and he's not doing a terrible job
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Why do you arbitrarily capitalize your proper nouns?!
whatever happend to de niro tho???
Mad Max was ok. So was Judge Dredd.
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