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Is this Jackie's wackiest adventure to date? https://w
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Is this Jackie's wackiest adventure to date?


Way, way better than the terrible K-drama. Women love it though because they fantasize with having consensual rape with the male lead
Jacki as Chun li gives me a weird boner.
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gonna give you a night call.jpg
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I prefer the anime of it, but that Street Fighter bit blew my mind when we first saw it in college.

His Chun-Li still can't be topped to this day.
So for you it was a Tuesday?
Yeah, I'm not sure what that was all about. Maybe it was the cutesy poses combined with the sample of Chun Li's voice?
City Hunter was funny. Not as good as the animu and not as good as lots of other Jackie Chan movies.

GOAT JC movie is Drunken Master 2


This the only movie i watched twice in a row, back to back. The SF2 shit was pure win
Jackie was giving off a lot of rape vibes during City Hunter. Probably his most sexual film.

That's just how Ryo Saeba operates, it's why the assistant in the manga whacks him with a giant hammer which they paid tribute to at the end.
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