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>fucking around on Amazon Prime >start watching Mr Robot
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>fucking around on Amazon Prime
>start watching Mr Robot
>See this

We mainstream now?
what am i supposed to be looking at?!
Moot is an advisor on the tv show.
>We mainstream now?
4chan shot up a school and a blacklivesmatter protest recently, it's pretty mainstream now thanks hiro

There are three Windows.

Look at them all.

See if any of them relate in anyway to 4chan.

Get back to us.
Why the fuck did you take a photo of your monitor instead of just posting a screenshot?

Because it's my TV you fucking moron.
Found the ad


It's Edward Snowdens favourite show, and as such it's un-American bullshit and should be banned. Fucking commie traitor.

>4chan shot up a black lives matter protest

>years of hard work to contatin all the internet's degenrates at one place
>one lousy "thanks" form Jewllywood
If you are here, then sure.
Have you seen the current users number on the front page? This place is reddit-tier now.
>current users number
some faggots from /k/ made a video about how they were going to go fuck with black lives matters protesters up in like michigan or something. the head guy was a mexican, the other guys were white and asian. but of course they were white supremacists. the mexican guy owns one of the archive/mirrors for 4chan, but i forget which one.

they probably won't even get charged because it seems there are videos of it and that the nogs attacked them first. but still they were idiots for going there in the first place.
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